NJPW All Star Junior Festival USA Review – August 19, 2023
Location: Philadelphia Pennsylvania
Venue: 2300 Arena
Goldy vs. Vinny Pacifico (Pre Show)
Vinny Pacifico hits a dive to the floor then in the ring Goldy took control. Pacifico crawls to the corner and opens an energy drink and he took a few big chugs. Pacifico hits a German suplex and a shotgun dropkick for a near fall.
Goldy hits a pop up knee strike and an enzuigiri for a near fall. Pacifico hits an Angle Slam for a near fall and he switched to a crossface before Goldy hits a flying knee to the side of the head for the win.
Winner: Goldy (8:20)
Rate: 5
Tag Team Match
Matt Sydal & Yoh vs. Bushi & Shun Skywalker
Matt Sydal & Bushi starts before Yoh & Shun Skywalker enters and Skywalker & Bushi took control of the action. Yoh hit a Falcon Arrow and he made the hot tag. Sydal hits some Yes Kicks on Skywalker then a sliding dropkick in the corner and a Meteora.
Yoh & Bushi enters with Yoh hitting a flying forearm and he was fired up. Bushi hits a missile dropkick and a DDT for a near fall. Skywalker hits Helluva Kick on Yoh before Skywalker accidentally sprayed mist in Bushi’s eyes then Sydal hits a top rope dive to the floor. In the ring, Yoh blocks Bushi’s MX & hits 5 Star Clutch for the win.
Winners: Matt Sydal & Yoh (8:55)
Rate: 6
After the match Bushi sprayed black mist in Skywalker’s eyes.
Semi Final Match Of The 2023 All Star Junior Festival USA Tournament
Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Clark Connors vs. Kevin Knight
Kevin Knight hit a leaping splash for a near fall then Clark Connors hits Jeep Flip then on the floor Connors hits a snap suplex onto the thin mat at ringside then Knight barely made it back in before being counted out.
Connors immediately hits a release German suplex and was in charge. Connors applied a full nelson then he hit another German Suplex.
Connors hits a slap to the face before Knight hits a stellar dropkick then a Stinger Splash then a 2nd rope flying clothesline and a Sky High for a near fall. Knight leapt off the ropes but Connors caught him and turned it into a powerbomb.
Knight hit some superkicks then Connors went for Trophy Kill but Knight did a leapfrog to avoid it then Connors hits Trophy Kill off the 2nd rope. Knight got a Crucifix Driver for a near fall then got a rollup for the win.
Winner: Kevin Knight (9:58)
Rate: 6
After the match Connors got the Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Title and he hits Knight in the head with it then nails No Chaser before leaving.
Semi Final Match Of The 2023 All Star Junior Festival USA Tournament
Francesco Akira vs. Mike Bailey
Match starts off with some standing switches and a standoff then they sped it up with quicker reversals ending with Mike Bailey hitting a basement dropkick then Francesco Akira hits a plancha to the floor and they fought on the floor.
Bailey hits a baseball slide dropkick to the floor then a double knee drop on the floor then in the ring, Bailey hit another double knee drop for a near fall before Bailey hits Speedball Kicks to the ribs and a variety of kicks.
Akira avoided a Shooting Star Press, and he hits a double stomp to Bailey’s gut then Akira hit a flip dive to the floor on Bailey. In the ring Akira hit a top rope crossbody for a near fall. Bailey nails the Triangle Moonsault to the floor.
Bailey hits a top rope missile dropkick in the ring but his Tornado Kick was blocked. Bailey went for a handspring back move but Akira caught him and hits a German suplex and they were both down.
They got up and traded forearm shots and chops. Bailey misses a moonsault knee drop. Akira hits a knee strike to the side of the head, then a DDT then a swinging neckbreaker for a near fall. Bailey hits Green Tea Plunge for a near fall then nails Tornado Kick in the corner follow by Flamingo Driver to get the win.
Winner: Mike Bailey (13:31) (He will face Kevin Knight in the Finals)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)
6 Man Tag Team Match
The DKC, Rich Swann & Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Starboy Charlie, Jack Cartwheel & Real1
Rich Swann & Real1 kicks this match off before Jack Cartwheel enters and he traded much quicker offense with Swann. Cartwheel hits slingshot senton for a near fall. Ryusuke Taguchi tags in to battle Cartwheel and they did some comedy with Taguchi running the ropes repeatedly. Starboy Charlie tags in and he hits a running Shooting Star Press on Taguchi.
The DKC enters for the 1st time and he hits a hurricanrana on Charlie then The DKC dove through the ropes onto Real1 before Cartwheel hits Sasuke Special to the floor. Swann hits a flip dive to the floor. Real1 picks Swann up, set up for a Razor’s Edge and he tossed Swann into the ring post.
Real1’s team immediately began working over Swann in their corner then Real1 hits a top rope DDT on Swann then Swann & Real1 fought on the floor with Swann pushing him head first into the ring post. Swann finally made the hot tag to Taguchi & he hits a flying butt bumps on Real1, Charlie & Cartwheel.
Cartwheel hits a fisherman’s suplex on Taguchi for a near fall then The DKC hits a summersault dive off the ring apron to the floor. In the ring Charlie hits a Sliced Bread on DKC, and Jack hit a rolling Death Valley Driver. Real1 hits a frog splash for a near fall.
The DKC hits a top rope leg drop on Charlie for a near fall but Cartwheel made the save. Charlie hits a poisonrana. Swann hit a handspring back stunner on Charlie then The DKC hits a rolling cannonball on Charlie then Swann hits a 2nd rope 450 Splash on Charlie for the win.
Winners: The DKC, Rich Swann & Ryusuke Taguchi (15:08)
Rate: 6
8 Man Tag Team Lucky Dip Match
TMDK (Robbie Eagles & Kosei Fujita), Alex Shelley & Chris Bey vs. Ace Austin, Yoshinobu Kanemaru, TJP & Cheeseburger
Chris Bey & Cheeseburger starts this match off with some reversals before TJP enters to battled Kosei Fujita before Ace Austin & Robbie Eagles enters and traded reversals then everyone started fighting on the floor.
Alex Shelley worked over Austin then he went to his corner but Bey refused to tag in to fight his partner. Cheeseburger enters and beat down Fujita.
Yoshinobu Kanemaru enters for the first time and hits a leg lariat on Fujita then TJP & Kanemaru applied a team submission hold on Fujita then Eagles enters and hit a series of Yes Kicks on TJP.
Eagles hits a top rope missile dropkick then TJP hits a tornado DDT. Shelley made the hot tag and battled Kanemaru with Shelley hitting a flatliner into the 2nd turnbuckle. TJP applied a modified Border City Stretch on Shelley so Shelley applied the Border City Stretch on TJP.
TJP avoids Shell Shock as he hits an inverted DDT on Shelley then Bey & Austin are suddenly tagged in against each other but they hit stereo dives to the floor then they got back in the ring charged at each other but did the Too Sweet hand signals.
Cheeseburger hits Shotei palm strikes then he locks in a cross armbreaker on Fujita then TMDK works together to beat up Cheeseburger with Fujita hitting a German Suplex with a bridge to get the win for his team.
Winners: TMDK, Alex Shelley & Chris Bey (17:00)
Rate: 7
Fatal 5 Way Match
Fugaz vs. Lio Rush vs. Dragon Kid vs. Soberano Jr vs. KC Navarro
Lio Rush & KC Navarro stood mid ring and traded quick offense before Fugaz hits a hurricanrana on Soberano then Dragon Kid hits a moonsault to the floor before Navarro hits a flip dive to the floor.
Rush hits a moonsault off the ring apron to the floor then he dove through the ropes onto someone then in the ring Rush hits some quick kicks on Dragon Kid. Rush began tearing at Fugaz’ mask then Fugaz, Soberano Jr & Fugaz hits some quick offense.
Navarro hit a 450 Splash then we got the several submission spots and Rush tried removing Dragon Kid’s mask! Dragon Kid hit a stunner on Rush before Fugaz hits a mid ring Spanish Fly before Soberano Jr hits Navarro with Soberano Driver to get the win.
Winner: Soberano Jr (7:15)
Rate: 7
Tag Team Match
East West Express (Jordan Oliver & Nick Wayne) vs. El Desperado & Mao
Nick Wayne & El Desperado starts this match off with some standing switches then Jordan Oliver & Mao enters and they traded deep arm drags then East West Express hits some team moves on Mao then Oliver flips Wayne onto Desperado.
Mao hits a moonsault off the ring apron at the same time Desperado dove through the ropes then back in the ring Mao & Wayne battled each other. Mao hits a split legged moonsault as Mao & Desperado began working over Wayne in their corner. Desperado hits a brainbuster for a near fall.
Mao hits a leg drop on Wayne then a dropkick to Nick’s face while Desperado was applying a Camel Clutch. Wayne hit a mid ring Sliced Bread on Desperado and they were both down. Oliver made the hot tag and he hit an Acid Kick then Acid Bomb on Desperado for a near fall.
Mao hit a top rope knee drop on Oliver then Oliver hits a superkick on Mao. Wayne made the hot tag and he hits a running Shooting Star Press on Mao. Wayne hit a fisherman’s suplex for a near fall.
Mao hit a superkick to Wayne’s jaw, then a jump up Frankensteiner. Mao avoided Wayne’s World and Mao hit a Michinoku Driver and they were both down.
Desperado & Oliver tag back in with Desperado hitting a back suplex then a spinebuster and he locks in Stretch Muffler on Oliver then hits a Rolling Thunder splash on Oliver then both teams fought in the ring.
East West Express hit stereo superkicks. Oliver hits a German suplex then a sit out powerbomb on Desperado for a near fall. East West Express hits stereo Clout Cutters for near falls. Desperado hit a spear on Oliver then Pinche Loco to get the win.
Winners: El Desperado & Mao (19:14)
Rate: 7
Philly Cheesesteak Cup Triple Threat Tag Team Ladder Match
Junior Heavyweight Champion Hiromu Takahashi & Rocky Romero vs. Master Wato & Blake Christian vs. Douki & Low Rider
Low Rider hits a missile dropkick on Master Wato. Wato & Douki traded quick reversals then Rocky Romero accidentally punches Hiromu Takahashi Hiromu accidentally punches Romero before they hit Forever Clotheslines on Wato, Blake Christian, Douki & Low Rider in the match and they did hip swivels.
Romero shoved Takahashi and shouted Get the ladders then Romero & Douki fought on the ladder then Low Rider slips while going for a springboard move before Low Rider hits a Lungblower. Wato tried to open a ladder this was already damaged beyond use
Romero hits a tornado DDT on Wato and Romero gets a different ladder as the ref removed the destroyed ladder. Douki hits a monkey flip on Romero then tosses him onto a ladder in the corner. Douki set up a more well built ladder but Christian tips it over by sending Douki flying.
Wato hits a springboard European uppercut on Romero then Douki slams a ladder into Christian’s face then Low Rider launches Douki as he hits a double clothesline. Low Rider hit a springboard moonsault to the floor. In the ring Low Rider hits a Clout Cutter and he set up another ladder.
Low Rider was on the ladder but as it was tip over as he did a springboard off the top rope and hit a dive onto the floor before Wato hit a flip dive to the floor. Douki hit a top rope stage dive to the floor on several guys. Christian hit a springboard 630 dive onto everyone.
The tall ladder was set up on the floor and Takahashi climbs to the top and hit a flying crossbody onto everyone then in the ring everyone hit finishers and suddenly everyone was down. Wato & Christian set up a horizontal ladder but then Christian hits a low blow on his partner Wato.
Douki & Christian fought on the top of the ladder but Douki shoved him off. Takahashi & Douki fought on top of the ladder. Douki hits a sunset flip powerbomb onto the horizontal ladder Douki then pulls down the bag to get the win.
Winners: Douki & Low Rider (19:27)
Rate: 7
Finals Of The 2023 All Star Junior Festival USA Tournament
Kevin Knight vs. Mike Bailey
Kevin Knight & Mike Bailey lock up to get this match started and they shook hands then Bailey hits a Mafia Kick to the face. Knight hits a crossbody on the floor then in the ring Bailey hits Speedball kicks to Knight’s sore ribs then a baseball slide dropkick to the floor.
They fought on the floor with Bailey hitting a punt kick to the ribs then back in the ring Bailey hit a knee strike to the wait and remained in charge. Bailey hits a Vader Bomb style knee drop to the ribs.
Bailey applied a Trailer Hitch on the mat but Knight reached the ropes then Bailey snaps the left arm backward and he began targeting the arm then he hits a Lungblower style move on the arm.
Knight hit a springboard crossbody then a clothesline before Bailey hits running Shooting Star Press for a near fall. Bailey draped Knight over the top rope and he hit a springboard knee drop to the back.
Bailey applied a cross armbreaker but Knight escaped and Knight hits a dropkick and they were both down. Bailey set up for Flamingo Driver but Knight escaped and got a rollup for a near fall.
Knight nails a tilt a whirl backbreaker over his knee then he places Bailey on the top rope, and he dropkicks Bailey to the floor. Knight then hit a plancha to the floor.
Knight came off the ropes but Bailey caught his arm and re applied the cross armbreaker. Bailey hits a moonsault knee drop to the ribs, a spin kick to the head, and back to the cross armbreaker but Knight reached the ropes.
Bailey hit a superkick to the jaw but he again couldn’t get the Flamingo Driver and they somehow both tumbled over the top rope to the floor. Knight hit a twisting dive to the floor on Bailey.
Bailey hit his springboard moonsault to the floor then back in the ring they fought in the corner, and Knight hits a superplex then Knight hits Code Red for a near fall.
Knight hits Sky High but Bailey immediately applied a cross armbreaker. Bailey hit a Tornado Kick and sets up for Ultima Weapon but Knight nailed a jump up Frankensteiner. Knight went for his leaping DDT but Bailey again applied a cross armbreaker.
Bailey set up for a Tornado Kick but Knight hit a dropkick. Bailey nails Ultima Weapon then Flamingo Driver for the win.
Winner Of The 2023 All Star Junior Festival USA Tournament: Mike Bailey (19:53)
Rate: 7
After the match Bailey got on the mic and puts Knight over then talks about his match at Multiverse United 2 and he calls Hiromu Takahashi to the ring. He told Takahashi he’s excited to team with him tomorrow. However, Bailey then challenges Takahashi for his Junior Heavyweight Title and Takahashi accepted. All 37 wrestlers sat together in the ring for a group picture.