IWGP Global Heavyweight champion Nic Nemeth (formerly Dolph Ziggler) recently spoke with Jamal Niaz for Monopoly Events for an in-depth interview covering all things pro wrestling. During the discussion, Nemeth commented on a potential “Forbidden Door” match with AEW star Will Ospreay:
“First thing’s first, I wanna get in the ring with Tanahashi, one of the greatest of all time, and go, ‘I can go with this guy. Can I hang with him? Can I be in the ring with the best and somehow come out on top?’ I’m looking forward to that test very much so. But yeah, if that happens, it works out, Ospreay can do everything you can ever imagine and a bunch of stuff you can’t imagine. I got to watch him up close [at Wrestle Kingdom 18]. I got to be ringside for it. Moxley is crazy, and I love it. Finlay, he’s a young kid that I know, and I go, ‘What can he do?’ He really impressed me. Ospreay, I go, oh, he can do anything in the freaking world. So to have a chance to be able to defend this title and have it mean more, I think the story matters more so. I know Ospreay’s freaking awesome.
If there is some story, like I need to test myself, and at that point, I’ve gone around the world and tested myself, I go, ‘I haven’t been in the ring with you,’ maybe this is how it goes down. That would be cool as hell. But first thing’s first, I want to defend this every possible chance I get against some of the best in the world and let everybody know that not only am I the champ, but I’m representing it properly every weekend.”
You can check out the interview below:
(quote courtesy of Colin Tessier)