Nic Nemeth Looking For “Transparency” Following Joe Biden Public Statement

(Photo Credit: TNA Wrestling)

On Sunday afternoon, it was announced via Twitter/X that US President Joe Biden will not seek reelection in 2024. TNA Wrestling World Champion Nic Nemeth (formerly Dolph Ziggler in WWE) said the following about the public statement:

“I think it’s very odd to not have actually heard from him. Pretty substantial moment in our history, maybe we could get a quick zoom, holding a newspaper or something.”

Nemeth engaged with users that responded to his post:

User: “Are you implying he’s dead?”

Nemeth: “I’m implying we should hear from our president, during a monumental announcement. Especially a monumental announcement that he was adamantly against, just a few days ago. That’s what I’m implying. Just reasonable transparency. Are you against that? Is that what you’re implying?”

User: “He’s got COVID and time is of the essence. He said he’ll speak on it later in the week. He’s the President, not your butler.”

Nemeth: “Hahaha asking for *some* transparency on a complete 180 of *his own words* from just a few days ago, as the president of the United States making a monumental decision and ME asking for more than a tweet, is implying he’s my butler? Come on man. He doesn’t even run his twitter”

User: “Even with treatments & the vaccine. For some people, covid is like dealing with a bad cold or flu & recovery takes awhile. Especially someone at his age. As for us, it will be casual misery or no symptoms at all.”

Nemeth: “So while knocked out, bed ridden and miserably ill, he penned a tweet? And went back to bed? Even so, that’s pretty odd. Just a normal bare minimum of transparency would be nice. Convenient or not.”

User: “He already addressed your lame, bad faith take, not sure what you want.”

Nemeth: “You are free to imply just about anything about anyone. There is no bad faith in a citizen wanting transparency. Especially on such a huge reversal of his words & monumental moment. If you don’t want any, that’s ok too. But Insults? Eh not interested.”

User: “Nic you’re my favourite stop being a fucking idiot conspiracist please”

Nemeth: “Asking for some transparency is being a conspiracist? Nah try that nonsense somewhere else. He was adamantly against leaving a few days ago. I’d love to hear from him that he’s leaving the job. It’s a pretty big moment. Not just a tweet”