Natalya recently appeared as a guest on the “INSIGHT With Chris Van Vliet” podcast for an in-depth interview covering all things pro wrestling.
During the discussion, the women’s wrestling legend explained why her husband, WWE producer and former Superstar Tyson Kidd (TJ Wilson), will never be able to return to the ring regardless of whether or not he wants to.
Featured below are some of the highlights from the interview where she touches on this topic with his thoughts.
On the type of injury T.J. Wilson suffered makes it difficult for him to ever return to the ring: “He can’t do anything that would require him to take a bump. So he can show little techniques, and TJ is like a wrestling savant. I think in the same way that Daniel Bryan did. He sees the industry in wrestling and everything, like he could ask him about a finish from a Bret Hart, match that’s very obscure, he’ll be able to tell you, he could tell you any single girl’s move set. He could, if you if you said, TJ, when did I have that match? Who was it against what arena what town, he’s like that with moves too. He just knows how to dissect it and pick it apart. He was working with Nia Jax on something and he was just helping her figure out exactly how to do it so that it was just perfect technique. And I was like, I didn’t even know TJ ever knew about that move. And he’s just so gifted, and he’s so good, but he just can’t bump.”
On how as much as Wilson would love to return to wrestling taking a bump would be far too risky for his health: “And that’s the thing when you have an injury, like what TJ had, where it’s a C1 injury, and not everybody’s familiar with what a C1 injury is. But it is where TJ broke his neck was at the base of his brain. So it’s where like the brain and the spinal cord meet. So it’s a very, very vulnerable area. And the actual medical term for that injury is called The Hangman fracture. So when people say, Oh, TJ, you know, we want to see you get back in the ring. And they see that he is very healthy, and he is in very great shape. Because he had a C1 injury with a C1 C2 fusion, he just can’t take a bump. And he has to be very careful. So he can’t ever come back to wrestling. I mean, he can do stuff, you know, he can do stuff, but he can’t take a bump. It would be really dangerous.”
Check out the complete interview via the YouTube player embedded below.