Brian Knobbs and Eric Bischoff almost came to blows back in the day.
The former member of the legendary Nasty Boys tag-team spoke during a recent WSI interview about how he and the former WCW Executive Vice President nearly came to blows during a disagreement that involved a match where Fit Finlay insisted on breaking a table and injuring his leg.
“So when I threw him this time, when he hit it looked like a bowling ball went through it, just a round hole,” Knobbs said. “The table, the face of it was made from mica, so it cut him up like somebody took an axe right on his knee.”
Knobbs continued, “The next day I went face to face and Jimmy Hart saved me but I was gonna punch Eric [Bischoff] right in the face because they were making 90 million a year and they wouldn’t buy us $100 stuff from the Home Depot where we’re not going to hurt each other, And Eric said ‘You can’t go blaming this on us.’ And right when I snatched him Jimmy Hart goes ‘Come on baby we gotta go do something down at the studio.’ And he grabbed me out of there because we did have to do some kind of filming down there but if not I was gonna choke Eric out I swear.”
Check out more from the new WSI interview with Brian Knobbs via the YouTube player embedded below. H/T to TJWrestling.net for transcribing the above quotes.