Naomi Reveals Her Biggest Wrestling Inspirations

(Photo Credit: WWE)

WWE star Naomi spoke with Variety about a number of topics, including her earlier inspirations in women’s wrestling, Jacqueline Moore and Jazz.

Naomi said, “Because of what I look like and what I represent, the first things that were shown to me were Jazz and Jacqueline Moore. Before them, there really was a period of time where that representation was lacking. It wasn’t there. Those two came in and blew the ceiling off. They have become that pillar of Black excellence in the world of wrestling, they set the tone. To this day, I truly believe they are two of the greatest of all time, not just Black, but women wrestlers period.”

On how far women’s wrestling has come in the last 20 years in terms of representation:

“Fast forward, even later, I’m making my own history. We have women like Mercedes (Moné). Bianca Belair. We have Jade Cargill, we have Athena, and many more coming. It’s not just one here or there every couple of years, we’re seeing excellence from women across the board in the world of wrestling.”

On how things started with the movie’s subjects:

“I feel like it’s really hit a boom over the last decade. But when you take it all back, it started from these women in the movie. I get a little emotional thinking about it because I’m like, ‘I wish they knew how important they were, and how amazing they were, and how special they were, and that it all wasn’t for nothing.’”

On Ash Avildsen casting many women’s wrestlers throughout the film:

“That was genius on Ash’s part to incorporate that because we’re women wrestlers of modern times, naturally you’re going to get some of that realness.”