MLW Fusion Results – September 28, 2023
Tiara James vs. Zayda Steel
Match starts off with a lock up then they traded arm wringers and escapes as Tiara James generally getting the better of things then hits a shoulder block then Zayda Steel slaps James then powders but James hits a dropkick through the ropes.
Back in the ring James avoids an elbow drop but Steel trips her into the ropes and takes over with elbows then a corner chop from Steel then some stomps and a rest hold.
James fights back to her feet but Steel slams her down by the hair and follows up with a basement dropkick.
James avoids a corner attack and hits shoulder blocks then a spinebuster then a slap from James connects then a double underhook facebuster gets the win.
Winner: Tiara James
We get a quick recap of the brawl that closed Fusion last week & there was a thumb drive left by The Calling so here’s a Calling video.
World Tag Team Champion & National Openweight Champion Rickey Shane Page mocks 1 Called Manders saying he’s not a cowboy, he’s just from Iowa More are joining The Calling on the road to Carcosa. Cannonball is specifically mentioned everyone else is prey and they’re on the hunt.
In the back Mance Warner fires up Jimmy Lloyd as Lloyd mentions he’s been working hard to cut weight for his Middleweight Title match because he has to make weight. Warner promises to help him make weight then goes to get him a beer.
Salina talks in the back she has a new match to announce, CMLL vs. MLW, Rocky Romero vs. Akira at Slaughterhouse.
Triple Threat Match
Kevin Blackwood vs. TJ Crawford vs. Alec Price
TJ Crawford talks trash early then Alec Price kicks him as does Kevin Blackwood then more kicks to Crawford before he takes a powder. Blackwood hits a shoulder block to Price then some rope running and roll ups are traded then Price misses a kick and walks into a backfist.
Blackwood hits Crawford but the distraction allows Price to hit a springboard crossbody to Blackwood before Crawford avoids a diving Stunner from Price and then slams Price into the corner and hits a running kick. More kicks from Crawford then a jumping knee drop for a 2 count.
Crawford with a chop in the corner then Blackwood re enters the frame only for Crawford to boot him off the apron. Price lands a kick then a striking flurry and a half nelson suplex then a springboard DDT for 2 as we go to a break.
After the break Blackwood shoving Crawford into Price then Blackwood and Price hits an assisted German suplex on Crawford. Blackwood with strikes to Price then hits a single leg and a double stomp. German suplex from Blackwood then running attacks in the corner.
Crawford back in and gets tossed into Price in the corner then Blackwood with a Death Valley Driver to Crawford for a 2 count. Blackwood up top but misses a flying nothing then he & Crawford trade strikes before TJ lands a modified Michinoku Driver for a 2 count.
Crawford rolls into a triangle choke as Blackwood hoists him up though and Price comes flying in with a diving blockbuster to Crawford off the shoulders of Blackwood. Price runs wild for a bit but here’s the masked man in a hoodie to jump him.
The masked man tosses Price into the barricade then back in the ring Blackwood heads up top but jumps right into a wheel kick then Silver Bullet from Crawford gets the win.
Winner: TJ Crawford
After the match Sam Laterna talks with Crawford and asks him about the masked man but Blackwood interrupts this to say he didn’t like that but he kind of respects Crawford. The masked man jumps Blackwood and he & Crawford stomp down Blackwood for a bit. Eventually enough officials come down to pull Crawford away but the masked man sort of half Pillmanizes the leg of Blackwood then unmasks to reveal Tony Deppen.
In the back Ichiban and his translator get an interview & his translator says Ichiban has dedicated his life to the fight. His goal is to dominate the division and get the belt.
Next a video package on the new World Titan Federation.
Matt Cardona is live streaming from the back & he’s here to take a couple of questions. He’s going to win at Slaughterhouse and calls himself the Death Match King. Maki Itoh shows up to trash talk him in Japanese then here’s Mance Warner from behind to attack Cardona and steal his phone.
Middleweight Title Street Fight
Akira (c) vs. Jimmy Lloyd
Jimmy Lloyd brought a ladder to the ring then dove onto the pile of The Calling bodies to start things off before Akira kicks Lloyd down then they brawl on the floor for a bit and Lloyd gets a pizza tray and lands shots to the head of Akira. Back under the ring Lloyd eventually finds a spike which he drives into the back of Akira’s back a few times.
Into the ring now and the match officially begins Lloyd grabs his ladder and hits Akira with it then does a Terry Funk spin then Akira lands a back elbow then suplexes Lloyd into the ladder which collapses immediately under the force. Pizza tray work from Akira now then some kicks and a tray shot to the head.
Lloyd avoids a suplex but Akira lands a Rolling Thunder kick to send Lloyd out of the ring then a Tiger Feint Kick to the back of the head then they head out of the ring now and Akira has a butter knife which he puts between the fingers of Lloyd and rakes it through then he poses Lloyd.
Akira tosses chairs into the ring but still has the knife and starts slamming it into the head of Jimmy to open him up then he tastes the blood off the blade to earn a you sick f*ck chant then they head back into the ring and Akira starts using the knife in a fishhook style.
Akira with a fishhook assisted Russian leg sweep but only a 2 count before Lloyd avoids a chair shot and lands a kick then a running neckbreaker. Lloyd sets up a chair and a Falcon Arrow onto the upright chair connects for 2 as we go to a break.
After the break Lloyd gets a small bag of thumbtacks but Akira lands a flurry of strikes then drops Lloyd into the tacks with a Saito suplex. Running elbow from Akira connects, but only a 2 count. Akira sets up four chairs seats together but Lloyd picks him up into an electric Chair only for Akira to hits a poisonrana which Lloyd no sells to land a kick.
Akira counters a move into an armbar but Lloyd picks him up and hits a side slam into the tacks then Ricky Shane Page walks down but here’s Matthew Justice to prevent the interference. Lloyd with another superkick then a Package Piledriver gets a near fall.
Lloyd stands on the chairs but Akira hits him climbs up there with him and hits Death Penalty onto the chairs to get the win.
Winner & Still Middleweight Champion: Akira (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)
After the match Akira poses with World Tag Team & Middleweight Titles.
We get a video from Mister Saint Laurent & he says everyone should be talking about the World Titan Federation. He reminds us about Davey Boy Smith Jr taking on Alex Kane for the MLW World Title at Slaughterhouse but next week Alex Kane has a mystery opponent courtesy of MSL.
Slaughterhouse Card So Far (Oct 14th)
Minoru Suzuki vs. Jacob Fatu
MLW World Title Match
Alex Kane (c) vs. Davey Boy Smith Jr
Featherweight Title Match
Delmi Exo (c) vs. Becca
Tag Team Chamber Of Horrors Match
2nd Gear Crew (Matthew Justice & Mance Warner) vs. The Calling (Cannonball & Talon)
National Openweight Title Spin The Wheel Make The Deal Match
Ricky Shange Page (c) vs. 1 Called Manders
Non Title Match
World Tag Team Champion & Middleweight Champion Akira vs. Rocky Romero