MLW Fusion Results – October 19, 2023
Kicking off this week’s Fusion with a recap of Slaughterhouse.
We see a brief look from earlier today when Love Doug tried to give chocolates to Sam Laterna only for Salina De La Renta to steal them.
Ichiban vs. Love Doug
Love Doug wants a test of love so Ichiban obliges as they fight over the test of strength spot then hit the ropes and Ichiban lands a Japanese arm drag then Doug counters with an arm drag and they trade hip tosses then the double dropkick and a stand off spot.
Some pinning positions from Doug then he lands a dropkick before Ichiban heads up top for a diving strike to the head then corner chops from Ichiban then he goes for a 10 punch but Doug shoves him away then goes for a 10 forehead kisses in the corner and tries a monkey flip but Ichiban lands on his feet then a springboard crossbody from Ichiban lands and we get a cut.
After the break Ichiban trying a Boston Crab but Doug throws paper rose petals to break at Ichiban to break the hold. Doug hits a bulldog for a 2 count before a backslide from Ichiban gets a 2 count then Doug lands a right hand but a Shiranui is blocked and Ichiban lands strikes then a wheelbarrow stunner then Ichi Bankai connects to get Ichiban the win.
Winner: Ichiban
After the match Sam Laterna talks with Doug on the entrance stage & he felt like his love story was there but things didn’t connect then one of Becca’s backup dancers arrives with a note for Doug he’s quite happy and hopes Becca will come to one of his matches.
Tom Lawlor is in the back getting an interview & he says he was choking Alex Kane and the corrupt ref didn’t check his arm and instead just counted a 3 count despite him kicking out. He’s been all over the world and when he came back to MLW Don King of all people is here promoting title fights? Lawlor has fought for some of the biggest scumbags in the world, Dana White, Oscar De La Hoya but Don King is worse than all of them. He’s not back in MLW, he’s joined the World Titan Federation and they’re going to rebuild MLW in the image of sports entertainment.
In the parking lot TJ Crawford & Tony Deppen talk & they mock Kevin Blackwood after they took him out. They had fun doing that to Blackwood and they want to find someone else to beat up. Deppen suggests Court Bauer or the announcers, Crawford has another idea. In that same vein apparently Deppen has been suspended for refusing to pay fines related to that Blackwood attack.
2nd Gear Crew are talking & Mance Warner says 1 Called Manders is going to make sure the luck of Matt Cardona runs out. Manders hopes Cardona is ready because he’s going to give him a lariat and a cowboy ass whooping.
Miyu Yamashita will be wrestling in MLW at some point soon.
Mr. Saint Laurent gets interviewed in the back & says Matt Cardona is their crown jewel and he’ll run over Manders tonight.
Tag Team Match
Bomaye Fight Club (Mr Thomas & J Boujii) vs. The Mane Event (Jay Lyons & Midas Black)
J Boujii & Midas Black trade some headlocks and headscissor escapes before Boujii goes to strikes then they fight for position then Boujii lands a strike and tags in Mr Thomas & he lands a chop then tags back in Boujii and slams him onto Black for a 2 count.
Black attacks Boujii then Jay Lyons cheap shots Thomas to set up a double team on Boujii. Black sets up a dive from Jay Lyons onto Bomaye Fight Club on the floor and we get a break.
After the break Boujii getting double teamed by The Mane Event before a standing shooting star press from Lyon gets 2 count. Lyon tags in but Boujii fights back only to get squashed in the corner by Lyon then Black tags in and they hit a double team move for a 2 count.
Black tags Lyon back in and Lyon sets Boujii on the top rope then they fight on the top rope for a bit and Boujii headbutts Lyon down then hits a diving DDT to put both men down.
Both men tag out and Thomas runs wild for a bit including hitting Black Hole Slam on Black but Lyon breaks up the pin then Thomas avoids a scoop slam but Lyons assists Black with a Spear to Thomas.
Lyons tags in and they set for something like a 3D but Boujii stops that momentum and hits a double Cody Cutter. Thomas launches Boujii onto The Mane Event on the floor then Boujii sends Lyons back into the ring & Thomas hits a pop up spinebuster to get the win.
Winners: Bomaye Fight Club
MLW World Champion Alex Kane cuts a promo & he says this isn’t sports entertainment or the home of the superstar this is combat sports and it’s his house now they’ve disrespected him, and they got that work. You can’t f*ck with his people or his company he’s not having any of that. What he does is suplex hoes and tap them out & he’s willing to fight all worthy challengers but be warned that the mission is submission then he yells Bomaye a few times.
Mance Warner wanders around looking for a weapon he likes, he’s used chairs too often, doesn’t want a 2×4 but he does like a screwdriver. 2nd Gear Crew is here to get the job done and bring the violence.
Salina De La Renta talks she’s got 3 titles across 2 promotions. Court Bauer wont be here next week so she’s going to be in charge.
Matt Cardona vs. 1 Called Manders
1 Called Manders shoves Matt Cardona down then Cardona kicks him but Manders drops Cardona with a shoulder block then a another shoulder block from Manders then he lands a chop in the corner.
Another chop from Manders but a 3rd misses and Cardona lands a chop but Manders just smiles and unloads with more chops then a back body drop from Manders then a jumping elbow get a a 2 count. Cardona tries to beg off then slings Manders into the middle turnbuckle and lands a dropkick.
Neckbreaker from Cardona gets a 2 count then Cardona chokes Manders with his t shirt for a bit then some middle rope rest holds before Manders avoids a neckbreaker and hits a spinebuster to put both men down.
Manders starts laying in strikes then a corner avalanche then Cardona avoids a corner attack but Manders comes off the ropes with a clothesline and gets a 2 count.
Manders sets for a spear, but Cardona avoids him and Manders posts himself then Cardona charges but Manders with a back body drop over the top rope and to the floor.
Manders spends time yelling at MSL & that allows Cardona to kick the ropes into his groin when Manders tries to get back into the ring.
Cardona tries Radio Silence but Manders counters into a powerbomb for a 2 count before Manders sets for a lariat but Cardona hides behind the ref then pokes the eyes of Manders & hits Radio Silence to get the win.
Winner: Matt Cardona
After the match Cardona gets an interview on the entrance stage & he takes the mic from Sam Laterna and reminds us he’s undefeated in MLW. He puts over MSL and promises to take over MLW he’ll beat everyone put in his path especially Mance Warner & he shows up and we get a fight between them to close out this week’s Fusion.