MLW Fusion Results – June 15, 2023
Kicking off this week’s Fusion with a hype package for the Featherweight Title Match.
Akira attacks Lince Dorado during Dorado’s entrance before the rest of The Calling shows up behind him. Raven & Ricky Shane Page stand around as Akira chokes Dorado with something before suplexing him on the floor. Lio Rush then shows up.
Middleweight Title Triple Threat Match
Lince Dorado (c) vs. Lio Rush vs. Akira
Akira unloads with strikes on Rush then some rope running and Rush hits a hurricanrana. Some kicks from Rush & Dorado slowly pulls himself up onto the apron. Dorado kicks Akira then a headscissors to Rush. Akira hangs out on the floor now as Dorado & Rush square up for some fast paced action, Dorado eventually dropkicks Rush out of the ring and we go to a break.
After the break Dorado on the top rope and diving onto Akira & Rush. Back in the ring Dorado with a crossbody to Akira for 2. Akira grabs a Kimura on Dorado but Rush comes in and break things up. Elbows from Akira to Rush then a Helluva Kick for each man.
Dorado fights back and he & Rush with some tandem offense and there’s a visible screw up on Rush’s Rush Hour but Akira sells anyway and flops out of the ring. Rush & Dorado square up and trade strikes for a bit before Rush avoids a Black Tornado Slam and hits a kneeling tornado kick.
Rush goes up to the top rope but Akira clocks him and climbs up there with him. Some strikes from Rush drop Akira but he lands a kick then Dorado attacks Akira with an armbar but Rush flies in with a Final Hour to Dorado and Akira has to break up the pin.
Rush sends Akira out of the ring & hits a low suicide dive then back in the ring he climbs up top but there’s another screw up as he goes for Final Hour on Akira. Dorado clocks Rush but Akira takes out Dorado with the Death Penalty for the win.
Winner & New Middleweight Champion: Akira (NEW CHAMPION!!!!!)
In the back Featherweight Champion Taya Valkyrie talks but there are audio issues then a tech comes in to talk with her about that and she has a flip out.
Jacob Fatu has a video next, he says he’s coming for John Hennigan and Hennigan’s National Openweight Title next week.
We get a Microman video.
Next a video package of The Calling Raven talks about bringing power to the unpowered, darkness to the light, and revives Mandy.
As Sam Adonis heads to the ring we get a clip of Willie Mack being interviewed, he talks about getting ready for a match and how it’s pretty much just like any other day.
Adonis talks in the ring, he warns that he’s the best looking man in the room right now. Here or there, Mexico or Delaware, Adonis is a marquee superstar in wrestling. He hasn’t been in New York since the pandemic and thinks it should never be opened up again. New York has the ugliest children, fattest women and men who can’t pay bills. Some more crowd insults from Adonis to the fans before Mack heads to the ring. Mack talks next, he objects to the ring announcer getting his place of origin wrong then he plans on sticking his boot up the ass of Adonis and if Hennigan has a problem with that, well Mack has another boot ready for him.
Willie Mack vs. Sam Adonis
Willie Mack avoids a cheap shot and unloads on Sam Adonis with strikes and a running kick before clotheslining Adonis out of the ring. Mack misses a dive then gets caught between Adonis & John Hennigan but Mack still gets the better of things and chops away at Adonis.
Back in the ring Adonis with a knee and some strikes to take over. Adonis grabs a side headlock, then shoulder blocks Mack down before some rope running, Mack & Adonis mess up a leap frog spot and Mack starts selling the leg. Mack with a slap and a kick, not the worst cover for the sequence going sideways. STO from Adonis gets 2 as we go to a break.
After the break Mack arm drags Adonis off the ropes as Adonis was doing some rope walking. Corner chops from Mack then a slap as Adonis tries to talk some trash to him. Adonis heads up top but jumps into a body blow. Samoan Drop from Mack then a kip up into a standing moonsault but he sells the right leg throughout.
Adonis & Mack trade strikes now then Mack gets the better of things but Adonis blocks a Stunner and then Hennigan trips him up. Mack just clobbers Hennigan but Adonis then hits Mack with an Air Raid Crash then climbs the ropes for a 450 splash to get the win.
Winner: Sam Adonis
After the match Mance Warner gets an interview Sam Adonis & John Hennigan walk by him and they trade some verbal barbs then Warner spits beer into his face & this leads to a fight, Adonis & Hennigan have the numbers advantage and drag him back to the ring. Adonis gets a strap and they choke Warner with it for a while.
Alex Kane & Mr. Thomas talk in the back. Kane doesn’t fight for free and says Court Bauer is cheap but the financier of the Bomaye Fight Club has deep pockets.
Taya Valkyerie tries to talk in the back but we get more technical issues mess with her. She says this is part of the reason she’s leaving.
Featherweight Title Match
Taya Valkyerie (c) vs. Delmi Exo
We get some trash talk from Taya Valkyerie early then they lock up and Valkyerie pie faces Delmi Exo. Exo shoves Valkyerie in response and Valkyerie mocks her name before shoving her into the corner and chopping her. Another chop from Valkyerie then they hit the ropes and Exo hits a dropkick then some corner offense from Exo then Valkyerie rolls to the floor and takes a powder as we go to a break.
After the break Valkyerie drops Exo on the apron then some kicks from Valkyerie before she distracts the ref as Hennigan then gets some cheap shots on Exo. Another drop onto the apron from Valkyerie and they head into the ring. Exo tries some body shots but Valkyerie cuts her off then a double leg drop from Valkyerie then she grabs a neck crank.
Kick from Valkyerie then a double stomp for a 2 count. Exo avoids a corner charge and Valkyerie posts herself then some elbows from Exo then a back kick and modified fisherman’s suplex for a 2 count. Valkyerie with some kicks but she runs into a Pedigree from Exo but only a 2 count. Corner offense from Exo until Taya lands a boot then a Blue Thunder Bomb for a 2 count.
Valkyerie wants Road To Valhalla but Exo avoids it then Hennigan trips her up then Hennigan distracts the ref as Exo grabs a roll up for a visual pin. Valkyerie accidentally cracks Hennigan with an elbow then turns into a Delmi Driver to get the win.
Winner & New Featherweight Champion: Delmi Exo (NEW CHAMPION!!!!)