MLW Fusion Results – July 27, 2023
World Tag Team Champion Ricky Shane Page vs. Matthew Justice
Matthew Justice jumps Ricky Shane Page and the gas mask goons on the ramp then gets a ladder from under the ring and wipes out the goons with it then a shot from the ladder to RSP gets the match started then we get some ringside brawling with Justice taking out the goons then he jumps off the ladder onto all 3 guys before a spear from Justice gets a 2 count.
Some strikes from Justice then a boot and a bulldog then one of the goons trips up Justice and that allows Page to land a kick then a back body drop into a kick on the way down & we go to a break.
After the break Page landing strikes then a drop suplex before they head up top and Justice headbutts Page down then hits a diving shoulder block before we get some corner avalanches from Justice then hits a Death Valley Driver then Justice goes up top & hits a Splash but only gets a 2 count.
The goons are awake again and Justice walks by them to get his ladder and put it in the ring. Justice sets the ladder back up and climbs it as he misses a splash so Page hits Raven Effect to get the win.
Winner: World Tag Team Champion Ricky Shane Page
Featherweight & WXW Women’s Champion Delmi Exo is walking with both of her titles in the back and here’s Becca to object to this. She doesn’t like mediocrity being celebrated and reminds us of which titles Exo holds & this is interrupted by Love Doug spewing his affections at Becca until she tells him to go away and Exo is able to escape.
In the back Tracy Williams gets an interview & he says he’s in a good place ahead of his 1st singles match in MLW. He’s always aiming at the top and feels Deppen is a great opponent. Deppen has been harping on how much Williams hurt him earlier in his career and Williams feels bad for Deppen as he’s about to lose his 1st MLW match.
We get a recap of Microman & 2nd Gear Crew abusing MSL which leads to an almost mummified MSL talking. He calls himself one of the most important men in the world, fabricates some personal history then says a piece of trailer trash like Mance Warner laying his hands on him is something he will never live down. Lawyers, auditors, investigators, they’re all coming for Warner as is the soon to debut Matt Cardona. He wants a match at Fury Road any of the 2nd Grew Crew to face off with Cardona.
Our next Draftee to MLW is announced and it’s Tiara James.
A random camera guy finds National Openweight Champion Jacob Fatu in the back, he’s still ready to take out The Calling. He reminds everyone that he’s the one who started the body count in MLW.
Bomaye Fight Club Tryout Match
Mr Thomas vs. J Boujii
Mr Thomas with a quick toss then he absorbs a few blows from J Boujii then Boujii hits a headscissors to send Thomas to the floor. Suicide dive from Boujii then a diving hurricanrana from Boujii then he sends Thomas back into the ring.
Thomas avoids a flying nothing and hits a half nelson suplex for a near fall then some corner chops from Thomas then he boots Boujii. Glancing Pele kick from Boujii then a rebound German suplex off the ropes.
Jump back Stunner from Boujii but he runs into a Black Hole slam from Thomas then a powerbomb gets the win.
Winner: Mr Thomas
After the match & Thomas gets a mic & plays with the crowd then was impressed with Boujii’s spirit then he calls Boujii to his feet and tells him he can roll with Bomaye now.
We get a video from Willie Mack & he brings up MLW World Champion Alex Kane’s hypocrisy about not thinking Mack deserves a MLW World Title shot seeing as Don King played a bit role in his success. He’s used to people doubting him but that just fuels his fire and he invites Kane to keep doubting him.
Mance Warner promo & he calls out Matt Cardona’s arrival to MLW. Warner is happy to fight with Cardona in any kind of dance Cardona wants at Fury Road.
Semi Final Match Of The 2023 Opera Cup
Tracy Williams vs. Tony Deppen
Tracy Williams & Tony Deppen circling the ring then they lock up then a side headlock from Williams then he switches to an arm breaker and looks for an arm lock but Deppen gets free. Deppen avoids a headlock this time and grabs a hammerlock, Williams counters only to be countered back into the hammerlock.
Williams blocks a snap down and grabs a cradle for a 2 count then we get a takedown from Williams and now he’s working on the legs of Deppen with stomps to the ankles. Deppen kicks Williams off of a leg attack then they trade some counters on the mat.
Deppen tries an arm drag but Williams counters into an armbar, Deppen then stacks up Williams on his shoulders to force Williams to break and avoid being pinned as we go to a break.
After the break Williams throwing strikes at Deppen. Deppen lands a cross chop to the throat to stifle Williams then he lays in strikes of his own. Russian leg sweep from Williams then a back slap before Williams ties up Deppen in a hold then into a crucifix for a 2 count.
We get more strikes from Williams then Deppen with an eye poke to stifle the offense and he hits an STO then a senton for a 2 count then some headbutts from Deppen but Williams fires up and unloads with chops but then Deppen blocks a suplex with an arm snap down.
Deppen with some more strikes but Williams is firing up now and unloads with a chop then a modified Regal plex. Corner offense from Williams then they head up to for a 2nd rope superplex for 2. Doctor Bomb from Williams gets a 2 count then he grabs a Crossface on the kick out.
Deppen crawls towards the ropes and is able to force the break. They start trading elbows now and we get into a hockey fight but Deppen lands a jumping knee then gets caught in a Death Valley Driver but only a near fall. Williams then uses his grip on the leg on that cover into a STF but Deppen has to move to the ropes and is able to get a foot on one to break the hold.
Deppen blocks a piledriver and lands strikes before putting Williams on the ropes again then Deppen is shoved down but counters a flying nothing with a knee strike then a Meteora in the corner before a top rope double stomp from Deppen gets a near fall.
Williams avoids a running knee then lands a back elbow then they are on the ropes again & this time Williams DDT’s Deppen on the top turnbuckle then follows with a discus clothesline but only a near fall.
Williams tries the piledriver again but Deppen is able to break the grip and tries a cross face chicken wing but has to switch to an arm drag. Williams grabs a Sleeper hold then tries a piledriver but Deppen counters into a jackknife for a 2 count.
They trade pinning positions for a while but they can’t keep each other down for 3 before Williams hits a piledriver gets the win.
Winner: Tracy Williams (He will face Davey Boy Smith Jr in the Finals)
After the match Williams offers a handshake but Deppen declines with a middle finger.
MLW World Champion Alex Kane talks in the back as he express that the league is against him. He complains about Willie Mack again and mocks his physique and eating habits. Kane wants a warm up match emphasis on warm and he wants to head somewhere warm and thinks about a brief trip to Mexico then more yelling about Bomaye to close out Fusion.
Davey Boy Smith Jr vs. Tracy Williams