MLW Fusion Results – December 14, 2023
Kicking off Fusion with a recap of One Shot.
Mister Saint Laurent is distraught and a little hung over as he laments to Tom Lawlor about the disaster of One Shot. The event has -5 stars on Cagematch, and Cardona didn’t win the title. Lawlor is sick of this, he was promised that MSL had a plan and if he doesn’t then what are they even doing here? What happened to bringing back sports entertainment to professional wrestling? We used to have stars in the crowd, Bob Uecker, Muhammad Ali, Pam Anderson, the San Diego chicken! Now just bums and drug testing it’s a bunch of garbage. It’s time to be a titan. MSL says they’re going to get it together, they’ll restock the barracks and take over. The Holiday Rush is their chance to get it all back.
We get an update that Akira was attacked earlier and is being stitched up in the back but his match with National Openweight Champion Ricky Shane Page will still go on.
15 Man Battle Royal
World Tag Team Champion Matthew Justice vs. Joshua Bishop vs. Brett Ryan Goselin vs. Griffin McCoy vs. Ichiban vs. Kevin Blackwood vs. Love Doug vs. Mr Thomas vs. Nolo Kitano vs. O’Shay Edwards vs. Masked Good Brother #3 vs. TJ Crawford vs. Tom Lawlor vs. Tony Deppen vs. Yoscifer El
Kevin Blackwood immediately eliminates TJ Crawford. Brett Ryan Goselin attacks Love Doug while Matthew Justice & Good Brother 3 attack Yoscifer El. Tom Lawlor & Blackwood go at each other for a bit and we go to a break.
After the break Blackwood attacking Tony Deppen as Good Brother & Justice are with Gosselin in the corner before we get the tower of doom spot and a bunch of guys fall.
Ichiban with a splash as the other group set up another tower of doom before Nolo Kitano with an elbow drop to Doug. Yoscifer & Josh Bishop square off next as they trade strikes for a bit then Bishop hits an overhead choke throw then clotheslines Yoscifer out of the match.
Doug and Gosselin fight in the vicinity of Bishop so Bishop objects to this and chops them both down then follows up with a double sidewalk slam to both men. Doug & Gosselin get tossed by Bishop now.
Ichiban with superkicks to Bishop but Bishop blocks an Ichibankai then press slams him out of the match, he tossed him in the direction of Gosselin & Doug but they didn’t catch him.
Bishop slaps down Kitano next as Blackwood boots Griffin McCoy out of the ring but Deppen then tosses Blackwood then Deppen backs into Mr. Thomas & easily tosses Deppen.
Kitano takes some corner attacks then gets dumped then O’Shay Edwards & Thomas attack Bishop while Good Brother & Justice attack Lawlor.
Bishop tosses Edwards to the apron then headbutts him out of the match. Good Brother & Lawlor square off before Good Brother with a bionic elbow then a running knee to Lawlor.
Lawlor & Good Brother now fight on the apron but Good Brother came over the top while Lawlor went through the ropes. Lawlor gets headbutted down by Good Brother before Bishop boots him down as well.
Bishop then tosses Thomas out and squares up with Justice. Justice & Bishop start in the ring while Lawlor & Good Brother brawl at ringside.
Justice sets for a corner splash but Bishop catches him and sets him on the top rope before we get some kicks form Justice then a Spear to follow up. Justice climbs the ropes now but misses a flying nothing and eats canvas.
Bishop spikes Justice with a chokeslam as MSL has set up a table at ringside and Bishop Border Tosses Justice over the top rope and through the table to win.
Winner: Joshua Bishop
After the match Justice gets a stretcher job & Bishop attacks the stretcher and takes out one of the EMTs as well.
We get a little recap of how RSP & Akira fell out.
Jacob Fatu talks & he calls out Alex Hammerstone for trying to punk him out. Well if Hammerstone wants to just show up whenever he can show up at Holiday Rush for their trilogy match. He warns Hammerstone that Christmas Eve will never be the same again.
Featherweight Title Triple Threat Match
Janai Kai (c) vs. Delmi Exo vs. Tiara James
Tiara James & Delmi Exo avoid kicks then Janai Kai kicks Exo but misses a few kicks on James & rolls up Kai for 2. Exo with a crucifix on James & Kai breaks up the pin then starts laying in kicks to both women then some corner attacks from Kai but James avoids one then picks up Kai but Exo boots her down.
Fisherman’s suplex from Exo but Kai breaks up the pin again then Kai with some kicks to both James & Exo then Exo blocks a suplex and lands an elbow then calls over James to hit a double suplex on Kai.
Kai shoves Exo into James then hits a half nelson slam then goes for the cover James breaks up the pin. James with a running neckbreaker to Kai and that gets 2. Kai with a head kick to James and everyone’s down.
We get the trading strikes from your knees bit as all 3 women fight up and Kai starts landing kicks to both women then a wheel kick to Exo. James picks Kai up and Exo comes in to hit a Hart Attack then James with the cover but Exo breaks that up.
Exo James in a Boston Crab but Salina De La Retina sprays something into the eyes of Exo so Exo rolls out of the ring and Kai hits James with a tornado kick to get the victory.
Winner & Still Featherweight Champion: Janai Kai (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)
Masked Good Brother & 1 Called Manders are drinking. Good Brother talks about pushing his emotions down he holds them down until he’s filled with rage and breaks stuff but now he’ll talk with Manders, he’s been wrestling since 1979 and tearing things up in the ring makes him feel good. He feels the Christmas spirit and gives Manders an elf hat which he tries to put on but his head is too big for the hat. Good Brother wants to be part of the 2nd Gear Crew and thus qualify for the Freebird Rule for the World Tag Team Titles & Manders seems amenable then they take a selfie for Matthew Justice before 2nd Gear Crew wishes us all a Merry Christmas.
Tony Deppen vs. Nolo Kitano
Tony Deppen stalls then runs into a superkick to kick start a trade of strikes before Nolo Kitano is sent to the floor but he slams Deppen on the apron the hits a suicide dive.
Kitano slams Deppen into the ring post before they head back into the ring where Kitano lands a flying knee then a Blue Thunder Backbreaker and a kick for a 2 count.
Deppen avoids an Overdrive then hits a kick to the back of the head then Deppen wedges Kitano into the corner and knees him in the head then follows that up with a running Liger Bomb for a 2 count.
Kitano avoids a knee and lands a kick then hits a Tiger Driver for a near fall then some strikes are traded now then Kitano hits a straight jacket Michinoku Driver for another near fall.
Pele kick from Kitano then an around the world DDT and Deppen rolls out of the ring.
Kitano then with a corkscrew dive onto all 3 men on the floor then back in the ring Deppen distracts the ref then takes Kitano to dick kick city.
A Shining Wizard to the back of the head follows gets Deppen the win.
Winner: Tony Deppen
After the match Deppen gets a mic and says he wishes he was suspended again so he didn’t have to deal with Kevin Blackwood & this does bring out Blackwood as he is being restrained by agents before they all head out.
We get a brief recap of Love Doug & Brett Ryan Gosselin and they’ll have a match on January 6th at Kings Of Colosseum in a Love Is Blind Match.
The Calling video & RSP promises to punish Akira. All Akira had to do was trust Raven but all he cared about was hearing his name chanted. Well there will be punishment tonight. Trust in The Calling.
Salina De La Renta talks with Middleweight Champion Rocky Romero & Featherweight Champion Janai Kai in her office but they find an Azteca lucha mask and wonder who put it there. Ichiban shows up and some cheap bards are traded before De La Renta says Ichiban couldn’t even beat her much less Romero. If Ichiban can beat De La Renta at Holiday Rush he can get a Middleweight Title shot.
Kevin Blackwood vs. Griffin McCoy
Kevin Blackwood attacks at the bell and hits Crawford with a clothesline before Crawford misses a wheel kick and Blackwood chops him down before a snapmare and a kick from Blackwood connects then a double stomp.
Griffin McCoy distracts Blackwood and that allows Crawford to land a Falcon Arrow and take over. Crawford with some chops and Blackwood eggs him on then kicks him in the body but runs into a boot then Crawford grabs an abdominal stretch.
Some extra leverage from McCoy but he’s caught by the ref and gets ejected then a corner kick from Blackwood then another Helluva Kick.
Blackwood with a top rope double stomp to the standing Crawford for the win.
Winner: Kevin Blackwood
Alex Hammerstone with a promo setting up his third match with Jacob Fatu. He’s had to deal with Fatu’s stuff for way too long at this point. He gave us the perfect wrestler, the perfect hero and yet people chant for a scumbag criminal like Fatu. Hammerstone has always had Fatu’s number, he’s 2-0 against him and will prove once and for all that he’s the better man.
We get a run down for Holiday Rush.
We hear from Bomaye Fight Club’s MLW World Champion Alex Kane & Mr Thomas talk to the camera, MSL had no shot at beating him for this MLW World Title. If you kill a god you become immortal and at Holiday Rush they’re getting in there with the 2nd Gear Crew. There’s no beef there but Thomas wants some tag team gold and the hat of 1 Called Manders. MSL can keep sending guys at him but wont beat him he’s a fighting champion and is immortal. They yell bomaye to close
National Openweight Title Match
Ricky Shane Page (c) vs. Akira
RSP boots Akira before Akira kicks him back then takes him down and lands some punches as RSP rolls out of the ring and they start brawling on the floor.
Akira with kicks to the leg as they head back into the ring & RSP blocks a back suplex but Akira hits a rebound back suplex after avoiding a chokeslam.
Kicks from Akira again but RSP tosses him down with a release suplex then RSP attacks the ribs of Akira with body blows.
Akira calls on RSP for strikes then RSP lands a chop but Akira flips him off then lands body blows of his own and a kick to the head.
Northern lights suplex to RSP gets a 2 count then a running kick in the corner for another 2 count.
Akira gets his knife but RSP elbows him then blocks Death Penalty and hits Raven Effect to get the win.
Winner & Still National Openweight Champion: Ricky Shane Page (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)
After the match the other Calling goons tie Akira to the ropes and RSP lays in strikes and headbutts. Akira is bleeding again and RSP has hair clippers then gets a mic. RSP welcomes Akira to a Carcosa court & tonight Akira pays for his transgressions then shaves Akira’s head. The Calling then head out to close this week’s Fusion.