Exclusive: Mike Santana Speaks Out About TNA’s Relationship With WWE NXT, His TNA Return, More

In an exclusive interview with PWMania.com’s Scott Mitchell (@Scott44Mitchell), Mike Santana (@Santana_Proud) sits down to talk about his return to TNA, working with the talent there, this era of TNA, the WWE NXT and TNA partnership, and much more.

You can watch the interview in its entirety here:

August 23rd will mark your one-year anniversary of returning to professional wrestling from your knee injury. How has that first year back been?

“It’s been quite the year. It’s been pretty crazy. I got back on August 23rd, 2023, showed back up on TV, and that same I was showing up, and had my first wrestling match in 14 months at Wembley Stadium. So being able to start my journey back with that was pretty insane. I have not stopped. I’ve been non-stop since August of last year, and it’s been awesome. I’ve been able to do a lot of awesome stuff. I’ve been traveling everywhere. England, Canada, all over the US, yeah man. I’ve pretty much been doing exactly as I planned it. I’ve gotten to work with so many awesome wrestlers, both young who are just starting to get their name out there, all the way to guys who are veterans and guys I came up with. It’s been awesome, I can’t ask for anything better.”

Back in April, you made your return to TNA when you faced Steve Maclin at Rebellion. What has that return been like for you, and how has it been getting to do things your way now?

“For me, it was definitely a big homecoming. TNA is a place I always considered my home. I’ve been able to grow a lot there, even during my first run, I grew a lot as a performer and learned so much. To be back there at the level I’m at with my experience now, it’s been an awesome ride honestly. Getting to work with someone like Maclin when I first came in, he’s an awesome wrestler and an awesome human being. He was the perfect first opponent. I only have one speed, and when I’m in the ring, I’m ready to go. He’s the same way, and our intensity matched each other. Especially that night, we both felt like we had something to prove, it was awesome. It’s been awesome all the way until now. I’ve been doing it my way, working with some awesome people, and that was the whole reason I bet on myself. I was going to do it my way, bet on myself, and do things the way I want to do them. It’s been paying off, it’s been awesome, and I’ve been having the most fun I’ve ever had in my career. The best is yet to come. There’s still so much to go and it’s only going to get better.”

What does it mean to you to be back in TNA as a singles star, and “hungrier than ever before?”

“Man, if you take a look at the roster, it’s stacked. We have some of the best wrestlers in the world here at TNA. The fact that I’m going to be able to mix it up with them, and get to better myself is awesome. I always say, the only way to be a better wrestler is to work with better wrestlers. I can’t wait man. It’s been awesome. I’m hungrier than ever and I’m ready to take someone’s spot. I can care less if someone takes offense to that. This is business now. I said that with me coming back to wrestling, I’m coming back to be the absolute best, and I told myself I will be world champion. That is the ultimate goal. I’m a firm believer of speaking things into existence. Not only that, I’m putting in the work, and I’m going to continue to put in the work until I get there. It’s been pretty special.”

You wasted little time jumping on one of the biggest dogs in TNA, Moose and The System. What has that been like for you?

“He’s one of the top dogs and he’s accomplished a lot in the company. He’s been there even since before I got there in 2017. He’s been doing amazing things. For me coming in, if I’m going to prove myself, why not go after the biggest dog in the yard? I told myself that’s what I needed to do. He is who he is. I’m proving I am who I am. You have to work with people who have that experience and same hunger, and the fact that I’m doing it at his same level speaks volumes. The fact that I’m trusted to go in there and put up the absolute best speaks volumes on the trust that the company has in me. I’m excited on what’s to come. He’s part of a pack of b*tches is what I like to say. Yeah man, I’m excited. I’ve never stepped back from a fight. Sometimes it’s not the smartest thing to do, but I have too much pride. Being a New Yorker and raised in the neighborhoods I was raised in, that’s how you survive. You have to fight. You have to go against the odds, and that’s what I’ve been doing my whole life. Having this group come at me the way that they did, it feels right at home.”

At Bound For Glory 2018, you competed in the Concrete Jungle match. What was that match like for you?

“It hurt. Everything about that match hurt. I’ll never forget it. It was pretty insane. Having to bump on that wood was not fun. Not only that, but the wood started coming apart, so there was just gaps in the ring. I remember watching it back and coming very close to my foot going through one of those gaps. So that would not have been fun. As far as the concept of it, I don’t think anyone knew what it was going to be. It just all came together last minute. At first, we didn’t know how we wanted to set it up, but we all agreed on just taking the mats off the ring and having fun with that. But man, that was a wild one.”

Coming up at the end of this month, TNA is returning to Louisville for Emergence on 8/30 and two nights of tapings on 8/30 and 8/31. What can we expect to see?

“I’m sure as you noticed, every TV loop has topped the last. We’ve been having sold out show after sold out show. The talent in the ring, as well as the team behind the cameras and in the locker room, everyone is killing it. Everyone has a common goal and is motivated. I’m excited for everything that’s to come. The fans are really behind everything that’s been going on and it’s showing. They’ve been coming out and it has been great. Emergence and that whole weekend is shaping up to be an amazing card. We already have the ironman match with Josh and Nic and the Ultimate X match announced for Emergence. As far as for what I’m doing, just keep watching the next two weeks of TNA, and it’s shaping up pretty good. It’s going to be crazy, I hope everyone checks it out.”

This era of TNA has been amazing. With the partnership with TNA/NXT, what does it mean to you to be competing in arguably the hottest era of TNA in history?

“It feels good. It (seeing the new current landscape of TNA and what they were doing) was actually one of the main driving forces on why I decided to come back to TNA. While I was out getting ready for my comeback, I watched everything. I did my homework, and caught myself up to speed with what was going on. I loved TNA. The talent, the stories, everyone seemed motivated, and it was something I wanted to be a part of. To be honest, when I came back to wrestling, I already knew I was going to leave where I was. So, I knew I needed to start doing my homework. TNA drew me the most, and it’s awesome to be a part of the hottest era of the company. The talent I get to work with is awesome. We’re all going to push each other and vying for the top spot.”

What’s next for you?

“I want to be World Champion. I’m going to be World Champion. That’s my ultimate goal at TNA right now, and to continue growing as a performer. To continue growing as a human being in general. I want to continue traveling the world and doing what I love to do. I went through hell to get back to this, and I’m enjoying every moment. Right now, my ultimate goal is becoming the best wrestler in the world, and becoming World Champion. As far as opponents go, I’m willing to work with anyone. I want to work with everyone. The only way you’ll get better and gain more experience is by working with better people. This whole NXT/TNA thing is exciting and I’m sure I’m going to cross that bridge when it’s meant to happen. When I do, get ready.”