Mike Bailey Believes There Should Be More Crossovers In Pro Wrestling

TNA X-Division Champion “Speedball” Mike Bailey spoke with Brass Ring Media on a number pro wrestling related topics, including how there should be more crossovers in pro wrestling as it is good for all of the promotions involved.

Bailey said, “Borders and barriers are generally a bad thing, especially when it comes to professional wrestling. There’s so much great matches and great pairings that aren’t able to happen for contractual reasons, which makes perfect sense, but also, the wrestling world would be better without those barriers.”

“It’s a great opportunity for people from TNA to go on NXT. Look at what it’s done for Joe Hendry, who was already becoming the most famous wrestler in the world. Getting to be himself on NXT is good for him, it’s good for TNA, and I mean, the fact that these relationships get to happen in 2024 is surreal. It’s fantastic and I think everyone is going to grow from it. There’s no other way to say it, those barriers are bad. Everyone should wrestle everyone. That would make everyone that much better.”

You can check out Bailey’s comments in the video below.

(H/T to Fightful for transcribing the above quotes)