WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley spoke with Forbes about several topics, including rewatching his 1998 Hell in a Cell match with fellow WWE Hall of Famer The Undertaker.
Foley said, “I hadn’t watched the match in its entirety until a few weeks before I went on that tour. What I told people every stop, I said if you haven’t seen it, watch it because it’s really packs an emotional punch. All these years here and it packs an emotional punch in a way that the clips don’t convey. In its entirety, it’s still really powerful and it’s still very different than any other match that’s ever taken place.”
On if being thrown off the cell or through it hurt more:
“I can’t tell you that it was painful because I was unconscious the moment I hit the mat. I was out for 42 seconds.”
On his legacy without Hell in a Cell:
“It wouldn’t be the same. It really put an exclamation point on my career. I’m really fortunate to go around and do these Comic-Cons and I can do a one-man show on my own and have really enjoyable good years. I don’t know if I could do that. I think that match elevated me to a spot that otherwise I would not have had. I was definitely a respected and valuable property, but I was kinda of just a really hardworking journeyman up until that match. I don’t know if I would’ve had the victory over The Rock for the WWE Title had it not been for that match.”