Mercedes Martinez Says Bret Hart Is Her Favorite Wrestler Of All-Time

Mercedes Martinez is a big fan of “The Hitman.”

The women’s wrestling star recently appeared on the Desert Island Graps program for an interview, during which she named Bret Hart her favorite wrestler of all-time while reflecting on her love for the Iron Man match between he and Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania 12.

“Man. My first match would be Bret [Hart} versus Shawn Michaels, WrestleMania XII, the Iron Man Match,” she said. “Bret is my favorite wrestler of all time. He is one that I’ve always tried to mold my wrestling towards if I can. But he is the one I’ve always watched.”

Martinez continued, “I’ve done Iron Woman matches, 60-plus. Plus-plus. So when I say I watched that match to get prepared for my own Iron Woman matches, that is one that hit the books running. So that’s one of my all-time favorites of theirs.”

Check out the complete interview at H/T to for transcribing the above quotes.