Maven Open To WWE Or AEW Role, But Sees In-Ring Career As Over

Former WWE star Maven took to his YouTube channel to discuss various topics, including his 2004 RAW main event match with Triple H.

Maven said, “The only thing I wanted for this night was to not make him look stupid. I wanted to raise my game to his level. I wanted to look like I belonged. He shouldn’t have had to call the entire match move for move, that’s just proof that I wasn’t ready to be in the position that I was in. So it comes to no surprise that this would be the last time I would be in the main event. I wasn’t ready.”

On being able to work with Triple H:

“Hunter’s good. Hunter has the ability to turn it on and off. He can go from character mode to back to being just Hunter. He’s an easy one to do any pre-tapes or any promos or anything with. I wish I would have had an opportunity to do much more with him during my career.”

On possibily making his return to WWE:

“I would like to think that a return is a slight possibility, but I also have to recognize my age, and I have to recognize just how different the company is now, as opposed to when I left 20 years ago. Yeah, that’s right, it’s been 20 years since I was not only in a WWE ring but working for the WWE under any capacity. If they were planning on doing something with me, a seed would have taken hold, taken root, and an idea would have sprouted up already. Although, if they called, I’d answer the phone.”

On potentially joining AEW:

“Just like my answer with WWE, I would answer if they called. They have not called, so I have no plans on going to AEW. I also think that at this point in my life, being 48 years old. My in-ring days, they’re behind me. So that would mean going to, whether it be WWE or AEW, I would be more of a commentary or a managerial role. Those jobs are hard to come by, and I know a lot of the talking heads that are currently on both programs. They do a great job. They would have to see an opening, an opening that they thought I fit, and at the moment, they just don’t see it. Does it bother me? Not really. Actually, I kind of understand.”

You can check out Maven’s comments in the video below.