Maven Admits He Wasn’t Ready For His WWE World Title Match Against Triple H

Former WWE star Maven took to his YouTube channel to discuss various topics, including challenging Triple H for the World Title back in 2004 and why he wasn’t ready for that type of match at the time.

Maven said, “This is hard to admit, but I have to admit it, I wasn’t ready for this stage. I wasn’t ready to be on the main event. When I throw that first punch at Triple H, I’m following directions, and my next thing was to stand there and wait for my next bit of instructions. I now know to follow that first punch up and stay on him. Stay on him. Punch, punch, punch. Hunter’s a professional. He’s gonna cut me off. He’s gonna He’s gonna throw a knee, poke me in the eyes, he’s gonna do something to get to where he needs to go. He shouldn’t have had to call the entire match, move for move. That’s just proof that I wasn’t ready to be in the position that I was in. So, it comes to no surprise that this would be the last time I would be in the main event. I wasn’t ready. I immediately sought out Triple H. I sought out Hunter. I wanted to obviously pick his brain. I wanted to make sure everything we did he was okay with. I wanted to know things, what I can do better. He gave glowing [remarks.] Just, ‘Hey, you were great, man. Yeah, a couple things could have been better here and there…’ He can’t teach me instincts. He can’t teach something that is only learned through repetition and through years and through just being in certain situations over and over and over again until it just becomes habit. Did I do everything he said? Absolutely. Did we pull off a match that the fans believed? Yes, we did, but I did just enough, just enough to show him, Vince, and upper management that I wasn’t ready. I had no clue, no idea, that the match I had with Hunter probably started my downward spiral, which would ultimately lead to my exiting the company.”

You can check out Maven’s comments in the video below.