Matt Jackson Addresses Criticism Of FTR Match Buildup

During an appearance on the Walkway to Fight Club podcast, Matt Jackson of the Young Bucks addressed criticism that the buildup for their match against FTR at AEW Full Gear received:

“You know, the build maybe could have gone a little bit longer [as] people said it was a little rushed. But again, I don’t think at the end of the day, nobody’s even gonna think about that. They’re just gonna think about the match. Nick made a great point. Nobody thinks about when Hogan and Rock wrestled [at Wrestlemania 18], nobody thinks about the fact there was a diesel involved, and someone got killed. Nobody thinks about that. They think about the match they had. I’m not comparing our match to that match. I’m just saying two different matches, but nobody thinks about the delivery of the match. I think we stuck the landing.”

“The truth is, nobody knows when the world is gonna open up again. We suggested in the very beginning that we got to save this for the fans. Then this thing (COVID-19) keeps getting longer and worse and worse. Finally, it got to the point where it was like, ‘What are we waiting for? We can’t just keep waiting, and we can’t hold back. Because who knows, this can go another year. By the time we finally do it a year later, do people even care at that point?’ Do you know what I mean?”

“It was Tony’s call to finally do it because we are even suggesting trying to hold off until Revolution. He said, ‘Nope, now’s the time to do it, we’re doing it.’ In retrospect, he was right in hindsight because it did work out, and it did deliver. Would I be saying the same thing if the match didn’t deliver? I’d be pissed off right now. But the four of us delivered, and a lot of people are saying it is a classic now. I think people will only remember the match for that, a love letter to tag team wrestling.”

(quotes courtesy of