Matt Hardy Speaks Out About What He Finds “Annoying” About The Internet Wrestling Community

AEW star Matt Hardy recently spoke on his podcast, “the Extreme Life of Matt Hardy,” about a variety of professional wrestling topics including addressing his comments about the creative direction for him and his brother Jeff in AEW being “very frustrating” as of late:

“I can say that it was 1,000% real. That was the real, genuine Matt Hardy. That was the real, authentic Jeff Hardy, speaking from the heart, speaking very honestly, speaking very truthfully.”

“At this stage of the game, myself and my brother, if we can’t be honest and open about our lives, then we might as well quit the business. One thing that is so annoying about people online sometimes [is] the way they judge wrestlers when you have a bit of notoriety and everything is public. Not everyone has their past out there. We have all our negatives out there and we own them all, we accept them all, and we really try and inspire people by telling them how it’s allowed us to grow into better people.”

“If you’re not getting better, you’re getting worse. You don’t stay the same. That really hit home with me. If you’re not driven, if you become complacent and it’s just about making a payday, you’re doing yourself a disservice.”

You can check out the complete podcast below: