Matt Hardy Responds to Bill Demott in Regards to Jeff Situation

As previously reported, former WWE star Bill DeMott earlier stated that Jeff Hardy should be held liable for all charges after being arrested for DUI. Following AEW’s public declaration, a fan wrote the following.

“What about @MATTHARDYBRAND who was getting drunk with him and let him drive knowing he was drunk and dosent have a license full accountability @TonyKhan right @BillDeMott”

DeMott wrote “it’s a good question” in response to the fan.

Matt replied to DeMott:

“Understand your passion on this & agree that DD is unacceptable. I expect speculation from fans, but not you. I haven’t touched a drug in over a decade, haven’t drank since I’ve been a Dad. Saw Jeff last on Sun night & flew early Mon w/@RebyHardy. I can’t be with Jeff every min.”

DeMott replied to Hardy:

“No disrespect or anything toward you Matt. Utmost respect, we are all accountable for ourselves.”