Matt Hardy discussed Ethan Page’s potential in the WWE on his podcast:
Hardy said, “Once again, a big shoutout to Ethan Page. So proud of him for betting on himself, and taking the opportunity to leave where he was and just put himself out there. And he ended up landing in NXT, WWE, and he’s doing great for himself. He’s killing it and doing very, very well. And I think he has a long ways to go, I see a very high ceiling for him in WWE.”
“I think his ceiling is on Raw or Smackdown as a high-level guy. I think he can move up the ranks. You know, I don’t know if he’s going to be a guy that is that consistent main eventer. But he is such an entertaining guy. He gets it. He gets the WWE star — he gets what pro wrestling is in general. Because WWE is what pro wrestling is in the biggest, broadest effect. Entertainment, you know, and then you have these guys having these amazing matches, and you’re telling stories, and you have a character arc, and you’re following someone. Do you love them? Do you want to see him win, or do you hate him and you want to see him get beat? He gets all that very well. And I think he is talented enough, I think he is athletic enough, and I think he is motivated and driven enough to go to a very high place on a main roster brand.”
(quotes courtesy of 411Mania.com)