Matt Hardy Believes The Young Bucks Are Still Underrated As A Tag Team Despite

AEW star Matt Hardy took to an episode of his “Extreme Life of Matt Hardy” podcast, where he talked about a number of topics including how he believes The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson) are still underrated as a tag team despite all their accomplishments.

Hardy said, “I say it here ad nauseam, and once again, to piss everyone off that are not on the Young Bucks train, the Bucks are truly amazing. They can get in the ring. They’re so good. They know what they’re doing. They can lead people that are a little older, their bodies are a little more broken down, they can lead them to great matches. They’re just so talented, they’re really, really good, and they’re truly underrated. Their actual work as a tag team is underrated. I know a lot of people give them a hard time because, ‘Oh, they’re spot monkeys and they do this and they do that, or they play politics because they’re EVPs.’ They’re both good dudes, and they’re both incredible professional wrestlers. If that does end up being Sting’s final match, Sting and Darby versus The Young Bucks, they’re gonna tear the house down. It’s gonna be great, guaranteed.”

You can check out the complete podcast below.

(H/T to Fightful for transcribing the above quotes)