Matt Cardona Discusses Steph De Lander’s Neck Surgery, Says He Still Plans On Destroying PCO

Matt Cardona, who was set to team up with Steph De Lander at this past weekend’s TNA Victory Road PPV to take on TNA Digital Media Champion and Canadian International Heavyweight Champion “The French-Canadian Frankenstein” PCO and “The Man Beast” Rhino in a tag team match, took part in a digital exclusive shortly following the show and commented on De Lander’s neck surgery as well as how he still plans on destroying PCO.

Cardona said, “I had no idea about Steph’s neck injury. Surgery?! Like, what? You’re just going to spring that on me live out there? Steph, yeah, you’re my property. You signed the contract, but we’re friends. We’re family at this point. So my heart, it breaks for you knowing that your dream is gonna be paused, and I know you’ll be back, but while you’re gone, I just want you to know that… I’m going to destroy PCO. I’m going to take everything that he has. All those championships, they’re coming to me. I didn’t come to TNA to make friends and have a good time, though. I came to TNA for buzz, money, and gold, and I’m gonna get that whether you’re healthy or not, Steph.”

The company recently released a digital exclusive, where Gia Miller revealed De Lander will be out of in-ring action for 6 to 10 months, meaning she’ll be out for the rest of the year and may not be back until spring 2025 at the earliest. More updates will be provided on De Lander’s status with TNA once it becomes available.

You can check out Cardona’s comments below.