Luke Gallows Reveals Why He and Karl Anderson Signed With Impact

During an interview with Martez Ale and Jordan Garber, Luke Gallows talked about why him and Karl Anderson signed with Impact Wrestling:

“Karl and I both have a long history with Scott D’Amore. Scott helped me when I was leaving TNA years ago to go to New Japan, Scott put me into contact with those people. Putting together a very nice deal for me at the time. He’s always been a business associate but also a good friend. They put together a very nice offer that had an unlimited schedule. But the most attractive thing about it was the people at IMPACT were fully on board with co-promoting our brand. We want to promote their brand and they wanted to promote ours so they promoted the ‘Talk n Shop Podcast’.

They are helping us promote our “Talk n Shop” PPV, our ‘Talk n Shop’ Beer that we are coming up with. With all of this stuff we have in the works, it’s really nice to be on board with somebody that wants to help you with your outside projects. Because with the motto at WWE, there is not a lot of room for that type of promotion and especially to do it on their television show. That was a really big deal for me. At the end of the day, me and Karl just felt like it was the right place to go.”