Latest Update On Jeff Jarrett – Anthem and Impact Wrestling Lawsuit

Jeff Jarrett’s lawsuit against Anthem and Impact Wrestling lawsuit is set to go to trial at the end of this month after attempts to settle it failed.

The judge in the case denied Anthem’s last attempt at a summary judgment on May 27th, noting that this lawsuit was the second time in “less than a year” that the US District Court was asked to handle issues related to the “the failed merger” between Impact and GFW, according to PWInsider. The judge declined to dismiss the case as Anthem asked, noting that it had “tentatively reached the conclusion that summary judgment would be inappropriate because the case would likely turn on the jury’s assessment of the credibility of Ed Nordholm, Anthem Wrestling’s President, and Jeffrey Jarrett, a longtime professional wrestler and the founder of GFE.”

In an interesting note, the judge said that previous legal cases have led to debate on whether pro wrestling is “sport” or “entertainment” and that the jury will have to decide which, in regard to the issues in this case, wrestling is.