LA Knight truly is a “Mega Star.”
On Wednesday, the City of Hagerstown, MD. website announced that LA Knight will be receiving a key to the city on Saturday, December 23, 2023 at University Plaza at Noon local time.
From HagerstownMD.org:
LA Knight to Receive Key to the City
The City of Hagerstown will present one of its own, and currently one of the most popular Superstars in World Wrestling Entertainment, with the key to the city on Saturday, December 23 at noon at University Plaza.Now known around the globe as “LA Knight”, Shaun Ricker was born in Hagerstown on November 1, 1982 and graduated from North Hagerstown High School in 2000.
The public is invited to attend this recognition ceremony on Saturday as he returns to his hometown to receive this unique and well-deserved honor. “Yeah!”