Kurt Angle Reveals His Favorite Career Moment of All-Time

(Photo Credit: WWE)

During the latest episode of his podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle discussed what he considers to be his all-time favorite wrestling moment.

The moment that he came out on WWE Raw in a milk truck and sprayed a ring full of wrestlers, including Steve Austin, with milk is the one that stands out the most, despite all of the championships and titles that he has won.

“That’s my number one moment in WWE or anywhere, any wrestling promotion I’ve been a part of. The milk truck incident was the coolest thing in the world. I was so grateful that Brian Gewirtz came up with that idea.”

“He copied Stone Cold’s beer truck incident, and it was excellent. I really loved it and dowsing down Stone Cold Steve Austin and Stephanie with milk was the coolest thing in the world. I mean, I had the whole Alliance in that ring and I’m spraying them down with milk.”

“It’s actually food-coloured white water, but they put food colouring in the water. But the milk jugs and cartons were real but that’s another story about the aeroplane ride that night.”

You can listen to Angle’s latest podcast below:

(h/t with a link back to Inside The Ropes)