Kurt Angle on WWE 5 Years Ago: “There Weren’t a Lot of Really Entertaining Wrestlers Out There”

(Photo Credit: WWE)

On the latest episode of the “Kurt Angle Show” podcast, Angle reflected on the WWE five years ago, when he made his comeback at TLC and played a significant part in the Survivor Series pay-per-view by joining Team RAW.

Angle stated that there were not many entertaining characters in WWE in 2017:

“Honestly, I’m not gonna lie to you. You know, at this particular time, there weren’t a lot of really entertaining wrestlers out there, I’m just saying compared to the Attitude Era. I had fun with The Rock and Stone Cold and Chris Jericho and Eddie Guerrero. You know, at this point in time, there wasn’t a lot of comedy. There wasn’t a lot of funny stuff going on, and you know, that’s what I really enjoyed doing and for the most part, there wasn’t anybody there that was really portraying that type of character.”

Braun Strowman’s return to the WWE was praised by Angle:

“Braun is a very valuable asset. He should have never left WWE. It should have never happened. The guy knows how to wrestle. He knows how to talk. He looks great. He’s a 350 pound monster. You don’t let a guy like that go. I don’t know how or why that happened. Maybe it was for money reasons. I don’t know. But Braun Strowman is back in the right place. He needs to be in WWE. That’s where he deserves to be. I really enjoyed being around Braun. He was such a good guy. He had a great sense of humor and he was a lot of fun to be around. I really liked him.”

On the differences between Samoa Joe’s work in WWE and his work in TNA:

“He took a lot of chances in TNA. He did some crazy ass spots, diving outside the ring, all these different flips and stuff that he was doing in the X-Division matches, but he smartened up. He started saving his body and not doing as many high risk moves. I have to give him a lot of credit for that because he could have continued to do that. His career would have been a lot shorter, but, you know, he smartened up and realized longevity is more important than doing all these crazy things.”

You can listen to the entire podcast at AdFreeShows.com.

(h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription)