Konnor Speaks Out About His WWE Departure

Former WWE star Konnor of the tag team The Ascension did an interview and discussed his departure from the company:

“We don’t go out there, and we don’t blast our problems out anything like that. We try to keep everything under the umbrella. There had already been talks that were discussed as far as there wasn’t really a purpose.”

“We loved being there, but you can only sit around for so long before you start twiddling your thumbs kind of like, ‘ok guys, what are we doing here?’ And when you’re kind of told so many things [where] nothing comes to fruition, you get that opportunity, it’s kind of like, ‘well, do you want to sit there for another three years or five years?’ Not like it’s a toxic relationship. It’s just one of those things where there’s no need to pay, and we knew we weren’t going to re-sign. There was no intention of re-signing, and that’s nothing against WWE. It was more along the effects of the situation and the circumstances as far as them not really having anything for us just keeping us around.”

“We only had two more months left. We literally had two months left. We had been sitting at home for almost nine months. They literally had taken us off the road. We literally just sat there through the last portion of our contract. It’s just one of those things where it was nice to be honest with you,” Konnor said. “There’s some more backstory to why things went the way that they did. Basically, I had a discussion with one of the gentlemen that were there where they were talking about possibly making some things happen. My only question to them was why. There was really no point. There was nothing going on for us. We were clearly there to do one thing and that was to be ‘enhancement talent’, and that’s just the reality of it. So you kind of just take a step back and [say], ‘this isn’t why I got into this business.'”

“There was never really a reason. I spoke to a few people there that were ‘the higher-ups’. I’ll just never forget. I pulled one of the gentlemen aside speaking with them. He just looked straight into my eyes and face and told me, ‘I don’t know what to tell you. I’ve been pitching stuff for you guys.’ I think when that happened, it started to be very deflating. That’s not quite what you want to hear as a performer. You always want to do something. You always want to be involved,” Konnor said. “I think once that started happening, which I couldn’t even begin to tell you where all of it started, I have no idea why. It was just one of those things where what are you gonna do? It was what it was to be honest with you.”