Kevin Nash Discusses Meeting LA Knight Backstage At WWE SummerSlam After Their Clashes

(Photo Credit: WWE)

During the September 8, 2023 episode of WWE Smackdown, LA Knight made a reference to WWE Hall of Famer Kevin Nash. Knight mocked Nash’s “look at the adjective – play” WCW promo in June 1996. Nash previously accused Knight of being “an absolute rip off” of The Rock.

During his podcast, Nash mentioned meeting Knight backstage at WWE Summerslam 2024.

“So LA Knight was sitting at the end of the table. I sat down at the table behind him, he turned around and I just said, ‘So, you finally getting to go over tonight?’ He goes, ‘Something like that.’ We talked and I asked, he was working with Logan Paul, I just asked how it was to work with Paul. Is he a natural, is he paint by numbers? He just gave me his opinion on how he handled the situation, not for me to explain on this show because I don’t want Logan Paul and his relationship to be verified or injured by comments that I make that I might have construed differently than it was meant to be said to me. He seemed like a really nice guy, there was no heat between us.”

“Other people have mocked my words to him in promos on their television. I’d rather be the guy being talked about than the guy not being talked about, that’s just the way I look at it. If I’m talking about you, cause I can talk about anybody I want in wrestling. There’s a bunch of dead guys I can talk shit about that could never rebuttal any of that. But, to me, this new breed of guys, I’m not trying to piss anyone off. I want the company to excel.”

You can check out the complete podcast below:

(quote courtesy of Skylar Russell)