Kayla Braxton Shoots Down The Idea Of Going To AEW Or Opening An OnlyFans Account

(Photo Credit: WWE)

Former WWE personality Kayla Braxton was asked by Chris Van Vliet if she was done with the wrestling business. Here’s what Kayla said, courtesy of ChrisVanVliet.com.

“Yeah, I think so. That’s one thing about our fans too. They think, oh, you leave WWE, you must be going to AEW or OnlyFans, it’s like the only two options that they think that you have. I’m like, actually, I’m doing neither. I think wrestling will always be like a love of mine and always be a family of mine. But I think I just really didn’t want to pigeonhole myself as a host and a broadcaster and just see what else I can do out there. I mean, there’s always the possibility that maybe I pop back in for a fun cameo or something down the road. But yeah, I think my time is done.”

Kayla also gave advice to aspiring broadcasters…

“I think learn the business as much as you can outside of the business. Definitely be very respectful, because it’s a culture, WWE is such a culture. Don’t overstep, that’s something I’ll definitely say, don’t overstep. Don’t keep harassing people in the office about wanting a job. But come to shows, shake some hands and yeah, I think if you’re the right fit, it’ll be seen. There are very few spots and definitely spend time deciding who’s going to fill those spots. So if you’re meant to be in that spot, you will be but otherwise just keep at it. Do interviews on your own. You do something that Chris is doing, really hone in those skills, because we’ve seen many times we hire someone get in that spot and they don’t last a month or two because they don’t have the interview chops. So I’d say yeah just work on it.”

You can check out the complete interview below: