Justin Roberts Accused Of Seeking Explicit Minor Photos

The allegations against various wrestlers continue as Justin Roberts has been added to the growing list.

A woman came forward on Twitter to post screenshots of a conversation she had with the AEW announcer when she was seventeen.

As seen below, Roberts kept trying to get her to send him explicit photos. She wrote the following in the caption:

“I’ve held onto these for a long time. I felt ashamed and like somehow it was my fault. I was 17, naive, had never been spoke to in such a manner. It makes me so uncomfortable looking back at it now. Legal or not, a man in his 30’s has no right to talk to a teenager. #SpeakingOut. This is terrifying, but the right thing to do. #SpeakingOut. And yes. He was aware I was a teenager. Legal age in the UK is 16, but if you think it’s okay for a man in his 30’s to converse with such a young girl, still growing physically and mentally like this, then you need a serious reality check.”