Joe Hendry Reacts To The Response To His Surprise WWE NXT Appearance

(Photo Credit: WWE)

Top TNA Wrestling star Joe Hendry appeared on an episode of Busted Open Radio, where he talked about a number of topics including his surprise WWE NXT appearance during last Tuesday’s episode and the response he received from the fans.

Hendry said, “I think one of the advantages of it happening so quickly is I didn’t have the time to overthink that aspect of it, but to be honest, this has absolutely exceeded all expectations, like in all ways.”

“For the camera to shake, I kind of had a feeling, I started to twig that like, ok, this could be a bit of a moment here when there were people who work at the PC, other actual wrestlers and stars at the PC, a lot of them were talking about my song and that started to get me to think, you know, a couple of the producers were saying they were expecting a big reaction, and I kind of just started to get this rumbling that like, oh more people know this song and my acts are familiar with me than perhaps I realized.”

“I still didn’t think it would get that over, but hey, it’s very hard to process because it’s so new, I haven’t had time to process, everything has been happening so fast, but it doesn’t feel real, it’s awesome. I feel like it’s total validation, like I said, we did music for 10 years with no success and then, recently I just had a song on the charts and I was like damn, that was validation, and then to go out there and just have this feeling that I had something to offer the business and to go out and get that reaction.”

“I managed to have like a 40-minute nap and I just woke to JBL saying that my stuff was the best stuff he’s seen in years, and I’m just like woah, he was the best stuff he’s seen in years, and I’m just like woah. He was the Champ when I was getting into wrestling, it’s surreal, and it’s awesome, and it’s wonderful, and I hope everyone gets to experience their dream like this.”

You can check out the complete podcast below.