Joe Hendry Predicts He Will Work With The Rock, John Cena

(Photo Credit: @joehendry)

Joe Hendry has some big crossover ideas in mind.

During a recent Gabby AF interview, the TNA Wrestling star spoke about how he believes he will face The Rock one day and how he’ll also cross paths with John Cena.

Featured below are some of the highlights from the interview where he touches on these topics with his thoughts.

On WWE and TNA Wrestling working together and who he’d like to work with: “I can’t tell you why, this sounds crazy, I want you to save this clip because the fact that NXT is working with TNA, the fact that being a TNA talent and having the possibility to think about all of these matches and situations. I’m gonna say a few crazy things right here, because I just believe it to be true. If you go online, you will find a promo of me in 2017 calling out The Rock. For whatever reason, I just believe in my heart that one day, I will stand and face The Rock in a professional wrestling ring. I don’t know why, I just think it’s gonna happen one day.”

On getting the chance to speak with John Cena when he was 15 and how he envisions their paths crossing again one day: “I really like to watch a lot of in-depth wrestling interviews. I watched Cody Rhodes on Ariel Helwani, I watched John Cena on Chris Van Vliet. Now that I’m in the position that I’m in, I hear little nuggets of information that wouldn’t have meant as much to me before, but now I understand. John Cena said that the reason there’s so many stars in professional wrestling right now is because the field is wide open, and when he said that, it just triggered something in me because it is. The field is wide open. Then I started to think about putting a strategy together for my social media. When I was 15, I was not able to go to a professional wrestling match for whatever reason but my friend did. He went to the VIP and I got a call from his mobile. I’m 15 years old, and I pick up the phone and I hear, ‘Yo, it’s your boy John Cena.’ John Cena talked to me on the phone for ten minutes. We talked about his career and I told him, ‘I think you’re gonna win the title at WrestleMania’ and he did. I think there something full circle that could happen with John Cena, I don’t know, I think we’re gonna cross paths. Those are a few names that I’ll throw out.”

Check out the complete interview at H/T to for transcribing the above quotes.