Joe Alonzo Opens Up About Leaving NWA

Indie star Joe Alonzo recently spoke with MuscleManMalcolm on a number of topics including the reasons he left the NWA.

Alonzo said, “I was told, ‘Hey, you got a lot of people watching how you’re gonna handle this, so make sure you carry yourself as a professional.’” “So it’s been kind of on my mind that I knew signing with the NWA, when I started, that NWA is not the end all, be all, and I don’t want to make anyone upset, but it is a stepping stone to get to bigger and better places.”

“So when I signed with NWA, I knew that it was always gonna be short-lived, and they asked me to stay. What they were offering wasn’t what I was looking for. I asked if they could do better, and they offered me something else, but it was a little too long. I think the one thing that has been said repeatedly over the past couple of weeks into this decision was that the one thing that money can’t ever buy is time, and nobody is guaranteed time, so I just think this is the best decision for me. A lot of people said it was a bad decision, but I think it was a great decision, and when you bet on yourself, you can never go wrong, and there’s nobody to blame but yourself if things don’t go your way.”

You can check out Alonzo’s comments in the video below.

(H/T to Fightful for transcribing the above quotes)