Jimmy Wang Yang Says WWE’s Attitude Toward Former Talent Has Changed Under Triple H

(Photo Credit: WWE)

Former WWE star Jimmy Wang Yang appeared on the Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling podcast, where he discussed several topics including doing a video for WWE Vault.

Yang said, “How that came about is actually, they didn’t contact me for that. Jazzy [Yang] got contacted, and they wanted Jazzy down in Atlanta at Raw. So she was going down there for extra work and to meet [William] Regal and Triple H and talk about business kind of stuff. Then I texted him, like, ‘Hey, is it okay if I stop by?’ I hadn’t been backstage in a long time, so the management there now, I love who’s in charge and taking care of…before, it wasn’t the greatest.”

On older management not wanting you to visit after they get rid of you:

“Once they get rid of you, it’s like, ‘We don’t want to see you.’ It’s just bad, it wasn’t comfortable to send a text and say, ‘Hey, is it okay if I stop by?’ But they contacted Jazzy for extra work and to meet with Regal and Paul, talk some business kind of stuff. I texted the management, and they said, ‘Oh, yeah, come by, it’d be awesome. Show up at five o’clock. Come by, we’d love to see you.’ I’m like, really? [Laughs] It was kind of shocking to me. Awesome. But it’s just weird before.”

On how things have changed in WWE under Triple H:

“It’s not like that anymore. But before, it felt like you were committing a crime asking to go backstage and rekindle with people and say hello. So they had Jazzy down there. I asked if I could stop by, come see people. Also, I’m just a concerned dad, so it’s her first time being backstage, and I know the environment I came through, it’s a lot different than it used to be. So I showed and [went to] go see everybody, ‘Hello,’ good rekindling so many people.”

You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.

(H/T to Fightful for transcribing the above quotes)