Jim Ross is a simple man.
He wants to wear his headset and calls what he sees in the ring.
He doesn’t want to be the action in the ring.
During a recent episode of his “Grilling JR” podcast, the AEW commentator and WWE Hall of Fame legend spoke about how he was never fond of being included in the in-ring angles that took place during his stint in WWE.
“Hot shotting. it was hot shotting in my view,” J.R. said. “You’ll never hear me say ‘oh I love that angle where I got in the ring.’ Never and the reason I say that is my athletic skills and my wrestling training to take a flat back or to do anything to protect myself never happened which you know what it was and it took time away from real talent from real wrestlers and I don’t fit in that category.”
Ross continued, “I was willing to be a team player as always and do my best to not suck too bad, but I wasn’t crazy about it. I just wasn’t crazy about any of the angles I did because I just felt like I took time away from real wrestlers who needed the TV time simple as that, but hey I went along with it and it was what it was. I know it probably sucked, but I don’t know if it could have sucked worse, I guess. I was surrounded by some real good talent. Anytime Lawler is your partner, you know you’re going to be in pretty good shape. He’s going to keep the rotor in the water and help me through the choppy waters if you will. I don’t know how the ratings were on that. I don’t even remember. I think they probably were okay because it was unique. It’s like a train wreck you know you got to stop and look.”
Check out more from the Grilling JR podcast via the YouTube player embedded below. H/T to 411Mania.com for transcribing the above quotes.