Jim Ross is excited for AEW ALL IN at Wembley Stadium in London, England.
On the latest edition of his Grilling J.R. podcast, the AEW commentator and WWE Hall of Fame legend spoke about the company taking on the big task of filling up the massive Wembley Stadium in the U.K.
Featured below are some of the highlights from the interview.
On his admiration for Tony Khan for even attempting such an incredible task: “Yes, it is. I really admire Tony Khan for being brave enough to be willing to invest serious money in promoting this massive venue. I hope the tickets go well. I like how they’re doing the ticket sales, people are registering, and they’re trying to make it fair for everybody to get a ticket. I don’t think that’ll be a problem. I don’t have any idea what to predict, how many people are gonna be there, I don’t know what the capacity’s gonna be for wrestling. But it’s a great move. It moves our brand from Jacksonville, where the headquarters was, and still is, to London. We’re growing.”
On how they should bring in some outside names and how they can put together a great card for the show: “I think [Tony] will put together a hell of card. I think, now this is me with my old-school booking hat on, you gotta bring in some new people, like the old days. You’d bring Dusty in, he’d work with so-and-so, Superstar Graham, they’d have a bloodbath. That’s how that worked. You gotta bring some new faces in to these big cards, I think, and we’ll see how it works out. I hope I get booked. I’m excited, I’m ready to roll. That territory’s been really good to me, from World of Sport, ITV. I’ve got a lot of friends there.”
On how he is personally excited he is for the show and the opportunity for the entire roster: “I think it’s gonna be great for the company. I hope we make money on it. I think we will, and it’ll give these talents a chance to see going from Daily’s Place to Wembley Stadium. That’s a hell of a journey. So I’m pulling for everybody to have their best preparation, the card to be outstanding. When you gotta book one card and you got this list of names, you gotta wonder how many names are gonna be added to that list that weren’t previously there. I think that’s important, that you can have some new [talent], even if it’s a one-off. So be it. I’m excited about this. It’s my favorite territory outside of the United States.”
On how he thinks this will be the moment that AEW takes the next logical step in their company growth: “I’m excited about it. I think it’s great, great for us. It’s great for the wrestling business. You said a very wise thing. ‘High tides raise all ships.’ So I remember back in the day, when McMahon was carving out WrestleMania as this amazing event, the business in Mid South, because of the heightened awareness of pro wrestling, and that was the wrestling that they had available to consume on a live basis, was absolutely unbelievable. So I think if a high tide raises all ships, and we’re one of those ships, our tide’s gonna be raised, and we’re gonna be ready for the increase in how deep the water is. Let’s go, let’s get it on. Let’s put our roster out there to have a spectacular show, where people are not just going, ‘Well, this is another night of TV.’ It ain’t another night of TV. It’s not. It’s special, and it’s only going to happen the first time once, so don’t screw it up.”
Check out the complete episode of the Grilling J.R. podcast by visiting Apple.com. H/T to Fightful.com for transcribing the above quotes.