Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler recently did an interview with Inside The Ropes and here are the highlights of JR’s portion…
On his return to the broadcast table: “I didn’t want to leave the game to start with. I wasn’t sitting on the sideline last year of my own volition. I didn’t unbook myself and say ‘I don’t wanna work, just send me a check and every week and I’ll be happy’. I had business to conduct and I can still do this job.”
On what he wishes would be brought back to wrestling: “Fundamental soundness for one thing. That would include selling, logically putting matches together, don’t do anything you can’t do well. Just logic. Logic, and I don’t see enough of that. The pace of matches sometimes is a little faster than most can accurately invest in, or process that fast. Hopefully it’ll be sound wrestling [in AEW], I think it will be.”