WWE Hall of Famer and AEW Announcer Jim Ross recently spoke on his podcast, “Grilling JR,” about a variety of professional wrestling topics including why Shawn Michaels was treated differently by Vince McMahon and was allowed to do risque things on television before the attitude era.
Ross said, ““Well, Shawn Michaels had Vince’s [McMahon] ear, so Shawn had a free ticket to do pretty much anything he wanted because he was such a good salesman for his own stuff that he could convince you that [it] was a good idea,” JR explained. “But if anybody else on the roster had come to us with something along those same lines, it would have never made television. Shawn was a special case in that regard, and Vince let him roll with his instincts probably as much as anybody we know or could talk about.”
Michaels is now working in NXT and enjoys his current position in the company. In the end, that is all that matters to him.
You can listen to the complete podcast below: