Jim Ross Further Addresses His “WWE Dynamite” Mistake

Jim Ross recently spoke on his Grilling JR podcast about his recent mistake last week on AEW Dynamite.

He was promoting next week’s Dynamite and accidentally referred to the show as “WWE Dynamite.” He got a lot of backlash for it.

Here is what Ross had to say:

“I don’t know what more I can say than when I addressed it. I made a mistake. It was inadvertent. I’m very sorry I did it, obviously. It was embarrassing. But then all of a sudden, out of that one or two second bite, here’s what comes out of that for some wrestling fans. I say some wrestling fans because I still have the devotee of our business. I have great respect for the fans. They’ve supported my efforts undeniably for years, through Jan’s death, through leaving WWE, there’s that word again, whatever it may be, they’ve always stood fast. I think the criticisms I’ve received have been from a vast minority of defiant young males, and some females, who ascertain these points: ‘I’ve had a stroke’, which by the way, I’ve never had a stroke, but that’s been diagnosed on the internet from my little OPAU, that I’ve had a stroke.

I’ve had a bout of Bell’s Palsy. I’ve actually had three bouts of Bell’s Palsy, that ‘I have onset dementia’, (he laughs), which wouldn’t surprise me, quite frankly. It’s going to happen to everybody in some way or another. I’ve had everything from people wanting me to die. Here’s what’s sad about this deal. It’s not about my mispronouncing, it’s a much bigger issue, in my opinion. That’s all it is folks, is my opinion. It’s the flavor of the country right now. It’s just where we are, and it’s sad. I don’t know what you call it, the ‘cancel culture’? I don’t know what the f*ck it is. I don’t even know…The thing about it is people quote misinformation without any thought. There’s no conscience involved, so it’s not the fact that I might get this right if I say JR has onset dementia, but then what if you’re wrong? How do you pull that back in? Well, it’s out there, so you don’t pull it back in. It was an interesting week. Bottom line, I’ve been doing this a long time. I still work every week to get better at my job, but I can tell you that this is all on me, and we had a hell of a show.”