Jim Ross Follows Up On His Opinion About Wrestling Moves

As PWMania.com previously reported, Jim Ross vented on his podcast about wrestlers doing the “same f**king spot” and how finishers need to be protected.

On his recent podcast, JR addressed the controversy that his opinion generated:

“I expressed an opinion, a philosophical opinion and I use a lot of football analogies. That’s like saying ‘I wanna run the wishbone.’ Whether that’s a good statement or a bad statement is merely an opinion. It’s an observation. It’s something that I would do in a fantasy booking world. I believe what I said was accurate. I also believe that, at the time, and I apologize for this I can be coarse. I can be very upfront. I’d rather tell you what time it is than make the watch. I think that’s what I did there, and I was a little abrasive. I didn’t mention any names. I didn’t call anybody out. I tried to report it as what I think it to be: an industry-wide issue.”

“What next? You know I told a couple of talents the other day at AEW, I said, ‘let’s use the scaffold match as a parallel. What’s next? A higher scaffold? What do you do? How do you do scaffold match two? Bigger and badder than ever, so somebody’s gonna fall farther. That’s what you got.’”

“So, I did ruffle some feathers. It wasn’t my intention, but I wanted people to pay attention that this is an issue. Where does it stop? How can we protect our talent who truly believe in their hearts that this is the way to create an emotional investment with the paying customer or the TV viewer?”

“That’s kinda where we were there. It’s like when is enough enough, and some things are simply illogical. If I call matches throughout my career, not just in AEW, with reality in mind? Can you imagine all the times you could have some fun, or not, but be honest about things and call sh*t out? It would be terrible. I think it’s getting more laxed.”