Jeff Jarrett Recalls His Reaction To The Curtain Call Incident

(Photo Credit: AEW)

WWE Hall of Famer Jeff Jarrett, who is also All Elite Wrestling’s Director of Business Development, took to an episode of his “My World with Jeff Jarrett” podcast, where he talked about a number of topics including fellow WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels running WWE NXT.

Jarrett said, “I can relate to a lot of it. The — I’ll call it the valleys, the low points if you will, the learning situations. However you want to paint it. It’s what’s made Shawn who he is today. Because he can look a young talent in the eye and say, ‘Hey, man, I ain’t BSing. Let me give you this example that I did in 1988 in Birmingham, Alabama when a guy was trying to sell his territory. Don’t be this stupid like I was.’ I mean, he literally is using all of his quote-unquote ‘failures’ to give strength to others.”

On his reaction to the Curtain Call incident:

“I have always thought that the overthinking of, ‘Disrespectful way to the business?’ Wait a minute, these guys are leaving. So it kind of opened up a whole other avenue. Because I’m grateful that I come from a long line of, and I’ve been around Eddie Crawford, Snowman, and WCCW, and Puerto Rico, and Tennessee Stories and all this kind of stuff. It was all out front [in] the open that you go, ‘Now wait a minute.’ I just think wrestling hardcore fans read so much more into it than the paying customer that it was a lightning rod of discussion. But at the end of the day, it was, ‘Move on.’ And a set of circumstances that, by the next Garden Show — I think Triple H remembered because of certain situations. But the fans had moved on immediately.”

You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.

(H/T to for transcribing the above quotes)