Jeff Jarrett Explains Why Matt Morgan Never Reached His Potential In TNA

(Photo Credit: TNA Wrestling)

WWE Hall of Famer Jeff Jarrett, who is also All Elite Wrestling’s Director of Business Development, took to an episode of his “My World with Jeff Jarrett” podcast, where he talked about a number of topics including why Matt Morgan never reached his potential in TNA.

Jarrett said, “We’ve talked about [how] timing is everything. We talked about, Frankie Kazarian has every tool in the toolbox. But when you looked at our roster during this era, you had AJ [Styles], and I’m gonna forget a few others, but there was just a stacked roster. So having the ability to shine the right spotlight. Matt Morgan, when you have a 6’10” guy, you better have the ability to focus on him. I say that Satnam [Singh] right now. You’ve got to figure out — and you know, different eras of the industry create opportunities. And other eras or timeframes of our industry, the opportunities are just not there. And it wasn’t for lack of effort but Matt, it just never clicked just like you kind of stated it. You can’t put your thumb on it, but it definitely did not resonate with the fan base. It just didn’t click.”

On Stevie Richards’ run in TNA:

“He’s a workout fanatic. Personally, I love him. I mean, I’m not saying I don’t professionally. But personally — and I’ve known him a while, and we always kind of shared that real common bond interest of cardio… But you know, as you guys that are finding their way and their place in the wrestling business… But Stevie, during this time, and the Abyss character. I think we all know, he went in, the mental patient. We were rebuilding him. Because I think we had built him for so long, and then we went down that mental patient deal, and it just didn’t click. So in the rebuilding process of Abyss, I’ll say Stevie kind of got caught in those crosswires.”

You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.

(H/T to for transcribing the above quotes)