Jake Roberts Misses The Grit Of Old-School Cages

(Photo Credit: AEW)

WWE Hall of Famer Jake “The Snake” Roberts appeared on an episode of his The Snake Pit podcast and discussed several topics, including refereeing a Hiro Matsuda match.

Roberts said, “I refereed for Hiro. Yeah, him and Danny Hodge would wrestle each other. And I’d referee, and it was just an amazing night for me each time it happened. You know, I felt like I was in the ring with two gods. And they would just work their magic, man. It was awesome.”

On the unwritten rules of old-school Steel Cage matches:

“Well back in my day, the idea was to get two guys in there and the cage was to keep everybody else out, and to keep the guys in the ring. Now you win the match by climbing out of it. Which to me, kind of kills the whole damn gimmick. The cage is supposed to be there to keep these two animals in there till it’s settled. So back in my day, we had to stay in there till we come up with a finish.”

On why he enjoyed Steel Cage matches:

“I really enjoyed the cage matches, because we could hit him hard. And I always made a point of it to hit it hard, man. [Hit] the mesh. And of course, it cut the shit out of me, but I enjoyed that. I enjoyed bleeding.”

You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.

(H/T to 411Mania.com for transcribing the above quotes)