Jake Roberts Identifies One of the Major Gaps in Professional Wrestling Today

(Photo Credit: AEW)

WWE Hall of Famer Jake Roberts stated on the latest episode of DDP Snake Pit that he believes wrestlers driving together on the road to discuss their matchups is something that is lacking in the business today. He also mentioned how he’d sit down with The Undertaker and Paul Bearer on the road to discuss their upcoming matches. The highlights from his podcast are below.

On wrestlers traveling on the road together to talk about their matchups:

“When you’re in the car for say four hours … the smart thing to do is to talk about your match. Now you’ve got three other guys here giving their opinions and you pick things out of what they’re saying, ‘Oh yeah, that would work there, oh that could make that better,’ so you’re getting four minds instead of one. Occasionally, there’d be an argument, and on occasion, some guys got outside the car and fought over what they thought.”

On what he would talk about with Paul Bearer and The Undertaker:

“Percy [Paul Bearer] at times would say, ‘Jake, what do you think about this.’ He wasn’t asking for himself, he was asking for Mark, which kept Mark from feeling like a mark, cos he was such a colossal-sized guy anyway … He always took his gimmick seriously and I give him that, because it was tremendously hard to work that gimmick, you’d think it’d be easy but it wasn’t, to do it right.” That is why Roberts hit him with two DDT’s and delayed the cover during their WrestleMania 8 encounter, as he explained, “that was me taking care of the DDT, it was also me taking care of him.”

You can listen to the complete podcast below: