WWE Hall of Famer Jake “The Snake” Roberts took to an episode of his Snake Pit podcast, where he talked about a number of topics including the Florida territory and what made it so special.
Roberts said, “The Florida territory was very special. No, it was just a special place, and the fans were very special. They were knowledgeable, very knowledgeable. So things that were done there often spread to other territories.”
On Jimmy Garvin:
“He was great, man. He went on to become one of the Freebirds. So he had a lot of talent, man. Sure did.”
On Garvin’s rib story:
“Oh, man, we used to do some horrible things to each other. I know one night he rode back with us from… Jacksonville. And we got him in the car and put him in the front seat, and we got him telling stories and drinking beer, you know? Well, he’s got this one story he likes to tell about, he used to do a lot of diving, underwater diving. And he got into a sinkhole one time and got lost, and he was running out of air. Yeah, it was pretty scary, and he just barely made it out. But by the time he made it out, he was already starting to see s**t, you know? His oxygen was gone. He was still breathing, but he’s not getting anything. So he talks about the, like a veil of darkness starts to come over you, and it just takes your side away from you. Completely black. Well, when he did that, we were ready. We took a dozen eggs and plastered his head with him. Shook up a beer and sprayed his head with beer, and then we took a five-pound bag of flour and hit him with this, all inside brand new Lincoln. A rental call. So after the laughing was over, he was complaining because he had long, curly hair, you know? And he said that stuff was so heavy it was pulling his hair. Said, ‘We gotta do something. We gotta find some water or something, let me get some of this out.’ So we stopped at a truck stop. And there were a bunch of truckers around, man, and we got out of the car; we got flour all over us. Jimmy gets out, and his head is huge now because of all the dough that’s rising. He’s got a big dough head. So he starts washing his head out, and we drove off and left him. He got home about two hours late.”
You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.
(H/T to 411Mania.com for transcribing the above quotes)