Impact Wrestling Under Siege Review (5/26/2023)

Impact Wrestling Under Siege Review – May 26, 2023

Non Title Match
Knockouts Tag Team Champions The Coven (Taylor Wilde & Kilynn King) vs. Death Dollz (Courtney Rush & Jessicka) (Pre Show)

Taylor Wilde & Cortney Rush starts this match off with a lock up then Wilde targets Rush’s arm until Rush breaks free and hits arm drags. Kilynn King comes in and takes Rush down, which leads to Jessicka coming in. King chops her chest and Jessicka fires back. They trade shots until Jessicka unloads with punches and an elbow.

Death Dollz double team The Coven which leads to Wilde accidentally landing on King in the corner. King places Rush in the Coven’s corner as Wilde tags in and chops. The Coven double team Rush for a bit. Jessicka & King get the tags as Jessicka takes control. Rush returns but then gets kicked in the back by Wilde.

Jessicka prevents King from double teaming but Rush breaks free and locks in the sharpshooter on Wilde for the submission win.

Winners By Submission: Death Dollz (7:27)
Rate: 6

Digital Media Title Match
Joe Hendry (c) vs. Dirty Dango (Pre Show)

Dirty Dango walks around the ring to play mind games then Joe Hendry stays on top of Dango with slams and a corner chops then Hendry hoists him up for a stalling suplex, cover but it got a 2 count. Dango comes back with his own suplex and goes for the cover but Hendry kicks out.

Dango targets the injured left shoulder but Hendry firemen carries his way out. Dango drives his knee into Hendry’s shoulder and then continues to twist the arm. Hendry counters with a cutter.

Hendry fires back with uppercuts and chops and back elbows then Hendry hits a fallaway slam and kips up. Dango low blows Hendry right in front of the ref for the DQ.

Winner By DQ & Still Digital Media Champion: Joe Hendry (5:43) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!!)
Rate: 3

After the match Dango continues to beat down Hendry until Santino Marella comes out & he runs to the ring as Dango retreats as Marella checks on Hendry.

Nick Aldis vs. Kenny King

Match starts off with a lock up as Nick Aldis gets backed into the corner. Kenny King gets shove back before they lock up again. Aldis catches King and then hits a suplex. King slips out of the ring and regroups with Sheldon Jean. King drop toe holds Aldis into the ring steps.

Back inside the ring King suplexes and punches away at him then King kicks Aldis in the shoulder then goes for a cover but it gets  2 count. King applies a stretch on the mat. Aldis gets to his feet but then gets knocked down to the outside. King leaps out and knocks Aldis down again.

King stomps on Aldis once he returns to the ring He tries a leg drop but Aldis rolls away. Aldis hits a pumphandle fallaway slam for a near fall. King chases Aldis up top. King is pushed off but then comes back with an enziguri to knock Aldis down then back to their feet they throw punches. King catches him with a powerslam for a near fall.

Aldis manages to hit a sitout Michinoku Driver to turn the tide then Aldis goes up top and lands a huge elbow drop. Sheldon gets on the apron to distract the ref. Aldis blasts Jean off the apron. King tries to cover with his feet on the ropes. King hits a spinebuster for another near fall then Aldis traps King in the King’s Lynn Cloverleaf & King has to tap out.

Winner By Submission: Nick Aldis (8:58)
Rate: 7

After the match as Aldis exits, Killer Kelly & Masha Slamovich are seen brawling all over the arena. They scrap into the crowd after falling off a platform. Kelly is dump into the ringside area. In the ring, Kelly turns it around by choking Slamovich with a chain. Officials run in to break it up. Kelly stands tall with a chain as security exits.

Backstage Gia Miller interviews Jordynne Grace. Grace says she was Knockouts Champion at the beginning of the year and was ready to carry the company on her back then she lost to Mickie James and later Deonna Purrazzo. There’s a lot on the line tonight. Grace questions who she is if she isn’t the best.

6 Man Tag Team Match
The Design (Deaner, Kon & Angels) vs. oVe (Sami Callihan & Jake Crist) & Rich Swann

Angels & Jake Crist starts this match off & Crist unloads with punches and then hits a dropkick. Sami Callihan tags in to double team Angels for a beat then both teams enter the ring for a staredown. Angels strikes Callihan as the action breaks down and around the ring. Angels torpedoes Callihan.

Kon swipes Rich Swann out of the air before Crist moonsaults onto Kon. Callihan then powerbombed Angels onto a pile of men. Back inside the ring Kon manages to handle oVe & Swann before singling Crist out. Deaner and Angels trade tags to work Crist.

Crist takes Angels down to get some space as Crist is cut open. Callihan takes Angels down with clotheslines. Callihan summons Deaner to enter the ring. Deaner steps to him as they trade blows. Angels & Crist break it up as oVe drops Deaner & Angels with a double Death Valley Driver. Kon double chokeslams oVe.

Angels spin kicks Callihan then Angels lands a frog splash for a near fall then Callihan escapes Kon and tags Swann. Swann kicks all of The Design and hits a double cutter on Kon & Deaner.

Angels gets kick by Crist and then gets hit with a suplex Deaner plants Crist before Callihan hits him with a Cactus Driver 97 then goes for the over but Angels breaks up the pin. Swann gets turned inside out by Angels then Swann comes back and rolls Angels up for the win.

Winners: oVe & Rich Swann (10:12)
Rate: 7

Trinity vs. Gisele Shaw

Gisele Shaw badmouths Trinity to her face and then tries for a slap but Trinity rubs her booty in Shaw’s face in the corner and then lands a leg drop for a 2 count. Shaw recovers on the outside with Savannah Evans & Jai Vidal. Shaw comes back in and takes Trinity down to the mat.

Trinity flips Shaw across the ring as Shaw rolls out again then Evans moves Shaw out of the way as Trinity tries a sliding dropkick. Trinity pops up over Evans then tackles Shaw on the floor. Vidal distracts the ref as Evans yanks Trinity off the apron.

Shaw runs Trinity into the ring back first then back inside the ring Shaw covers for a two count. Shaw controls the pace with a headlock to try and keep Trinity grounded. Shaw elbows away in the corner and then stomps on her midsection then goes for the cover but Trinity kicks out.

Shaw gets distracted by the fans before Trinity catches Shaw’s boot and hits a backbreaker. Trinity unloads with forearm strikes in the center follow by a dropkick. Trinity knees Shaw’s face and then spikes her into the mat for a near fall then Trinity hits a split legged moonsault for a 2 count.

Shaw hides in the corner and then gets a cheap shot behind the ref’s back. Trinity is thrown into the turnbuckle then gets kick in the head. Shaw hits a draping DDT & that gets a near fall after a flurry of offense, Trinity hits a modified Code Red then locks in Starstruck for the win.

Winner By Submission: Trinity (10:28)
Rate: 7

Backstage Gia Miller interviews Subculture as The Good Hands & Brian Myers interrupt. Myers tells them to slow their roll. Dani Luna interjects and says Subculture’s 1st defense will be against them.

Impact World Tag Team Titles Match
ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) (c) vs. Subculture (Mark Andrews & Flash Morgan Webster)

Ace Austin & Mark Andrews starts this match off with some grappling then Andrews applies a headlock but then gets his left arm twisted. Chris Bey gets the tag as Austin assists him for a beat. Bey uppercuts and covers it gets a 2 count. Flash Morgan Webster comes in as Subculture double teams with flips then Webster keeps Bey in their corner for more tags.

Webster leaps out on Bey and sends him back in for a German from Andrews then ABC double teamed Webster as they hit Click Click Boom then Austin keeps Webster grounded with a headlock.

Austin tags out and Bey takes Andrews down before kicking Webster in the face then Bey flips out onto Webster before Austin spikes Webster into the canvas for a cover but it gets a near fall. ABC tag in and out to work Webster until he slips through and tags Andrews.

Andrews withstands the double team with a double Pele and then double knees in opposite corners before Andrews lands a double DDT on ABC. Andrews moonsaults out onto Bey. Andrews connects with Code Red on Austin for a near fall.

Webster tags in as Subculture plants Austin then goes for a cover but Austin kicks out then Andrews back in quickly as he goes up. Austin kicks Webster off and Andrews leaps down only to get hit with a missile dropkick.

Webster & Bey meet in the middle as Ace helps Bey then Bey goes for the cover but Andrews breaks up the pin. Andrews gets punch out of the ring then ABC get thrown out by Webster then he goes up top and dives out onto them then Subculture nearly puts away Bey with a double team move but Austin breaks up the pin.

Andrews hits Bey with Stundog Millionaire then Webster hits a sentons on Bey for near fall again. Austin saves Bey but then Webster accidentally knees Andrews then Bey hits a double poisonrana on Subculture before ABC hits 1,2 Sweet for the win.

Winners & Still Impact World Tag Team Champions: ABC (13:14) (STILL CHAMPIONS!!!!)
Rate: 9 (Recommend)

X Division Title Match
Trey Miguel (c) vs. Chris Sabin

Match starts off with Trey Miguel ducks out of the ring before he eventually returns and locks up with Chris Sabin then they trade wrist locks as Miguel maintains it despite Sabin trying to work his way out. Sabin finally arm drags out as Miguel rolls to the outside again.

Miguel returns and kicks Sabin then they run around each other for a moment before he slides out again but this time Sabin goes to the apron and kicks him. Sabin places Miguel upside down in the corner and delivers a hesitation dropkick. Miguel trips Sabin on the apron and kicks him in the head.

Sabin is drop back first on the apron before Miguel rolls back in with a senton and knee drop then goes for a cover but Sabin kicks out. Sabin gets lock in a guillotine choke in the middle of the ring but he reaches the bottom rope to break. Miguel applies a headlock to keep him grounded.

Sabin manages to hit a DDT to buy recovery time then Sabin unloads with punches and then hits a missile dropkick and Helluva Kick then Miguel gets drop with another DDT then goes for the cover but gets a 2 count. Sabin lands a German suplex as Miguel’s arms were trap.

Miguel rolls through an attempted Cradle Shock and stomps on Sabin’s gut then he uppercuts but then Sabin chases him with a clothesline then Miguel responds with a dropkick and then brainbuster then goes for a cover but Sabin kicks out.

Miguel goes up top rope but Sabin evades and dropkicks his left knee then Sabin drives the knees into the canvas twice but Miguel kicks him off and rolls him up. Sabin dragon screws before locking in the sharpshooter but Miguel reaches the rope. Miguel trips Sabin on the apron. Miguel goes up top but Sabin follows.

Miguel bell claps him and tries a powerbomb but pivots to a kick then a Meteora connects for a two count. Trey hits a tornado DDT on the floor then he goes up top but Sabin dodges a another Meteroa. Sabin kicks, Miguel chops then they break down with traded chops until Miguel springs up with a dropkick. Sabin hits Canadian Destroyer and then a Clothesline From Hell then goes for Cradle Shock but Miguel rakes the eyes to avoid it.

Sabin accidentally lifts the ref for a moment. Miguel dropkicks Sabin into the ref then Sabin hits Cradle Shock but the ref is still down. Miguel rolls out and grabs spray paint & he sprays Sabin with it then he rolls Sabin up for the win.

Winner & Still X Division Champion: Trey Miguel (18:34) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)
Rate: 7

Impact World Title #1 Contenders Fatal 6 Way Match
Alex Shelley vs. Eddie Edwards vs. Yuya Uemura vs. Moose vs. Jonathan Gresham vs. Frankie Kazarian

Frankie Kazarian & Eddie Edwards went right at it with punches then Moose wipes Yuya Uemura out on the apron. Jonathan Gresham & Alex Shelley tangle up in the middle with technical work but they break as Moose comes in and he gets his left knee dropkick by both men. It comes down to Shelley & Gresham again with quick offense.

Edwards & Uemura get dragon screwed by Shelley. Kazarian punches Shelley but then Shelley tries locking up both Kazarian & Uemura in a Boston Crab but Moose runs Shelley into the apron then Edwards dives onto Moose.

Uemura is hip tossed by Gresham & Kazarian then Gresham works Kazarian with a dropkick before Edwards intervenes. Edwards chops Shelley and stands tall for a min. Gresham and Eddie work for a moment before Gresham gets dropped. Kaz clotheslines Eddie, then leg drops Moose. Kazarian leg drops Edwards as well.

Edwards gets hit with an Unprettier by Kazarian then goes for the cover but Shelley breaks the cover. Shelley chops away at Kazarian. Gresham, Kazarian & Shelley are in the ring together as Kazarian backstabbers Shelley.

Uemura returns and chops away with Kazarian then Uemura runs into Gresham in the corner and places him up top but Shelley intervenes, followed by Kazarian. Edwards tries a tower of doom but Moose breaks it all up before it happens.

Moose slams Edwards and then powerbombs Uemura then Kazarian backslides Moose but is met with a powerbomb. Gresham counters Moose with a takedown. Moose holds on and slams Gresham with force for a near fall. Moose spears an empty corner when Uemura sidesteps. Uemura rushes Moose and hits some back elbows then Uemura underhooks Edwards over him and then bulldogs Moose for a 2 count.

Shelley & Kazarian meet again before Edwards gets suplex in the midst of a bridging cover. Uemura escapes from Kazarian and dumps him out. Gresham flips onto Yuya and dives onto Kazarian.

Kazarian cutters Gresham then Uemura connects with a crossbody. Edwards breaks up a Chicken Wing then Moose connects with a spear then Shelley superkicks Uemura then hits Shell Shocked for the win.

Winner & #1 Contender To The Impact World Title: Alex Shelley (11:47)
Rate: 6

Backstage Gia Miller catches up with X Division Champion Trey Miguel about how he won his match then Chris Sabin tries to attack Miguel but he escapes.

Knockouts Title Last Chance Match
Deonna Purrazzo (c) vs. Jordynne Grace

If Grace loses she can’t challenge for the Knockouts Title so long as Purrazzo is the champion.

Match starts off with a lock up then Jordynne Grace pivots to the ropes to break a waist lock. Deonna Purrazzo locks up again and Grace goes to the apron. Purrazzo gets taken down as Grace unloads with punches. Purrazzo is sent to the apron but she knees Grace a couple times before hitting a neckbreaker. Purrazzo sentons onto the floor to wipe Grace out.

Back inside the ring Grace blasts Purrazzo across the ring to take control again then a snap suplex connects. Grace clotheslines her in the corner until she ducks. Purrazzo gets toss with another bridging German then Grace places her up top and slaps her.

Purrazzo avoids a Muscle Buster but then gets clotheslined out and both women fall. Back inside they trade blows but Purrazzo cuts her short with a clothesline. Purrazzo hits a running knee and legsweep. Fujiwara Armbar locks in for a moment. Purrazzo flips Grace over then goes for a cover but it gets a 2 count.

Grace takes advantage of Purrazzo losing her footing and then hits a sit out powerbomb & it gets a 2 count. Purrazzo counters Grace with a piledriver for a 2 count. Grace flips Purrazzo off her back and then powerbombs her then Jackhammer follows & that gets a  near fall before Purrazzo hits Queen’s Gambit then hooks the leg but Grace kicks out.

Purrazzo goes for the armbar briefly but Grace drops Purrazzo with a reverse piledriver but takes a moment to crawl to the cover but it isn’t enough to put Purrazzo away then they trade roll ups and try double clotheslines. They clock each other and both fall to the mat.

They slap each other while rising up. Grace hits a powerslam but then Purrazzo pops right back up then another slam and right back up again. Purrazzo goes up top with Grace and manages to hit Queen’s Gambit off the 2nd rope to put Grace away.

Winner & Still Knockouts Champion: Deonna Purrazzo (13:22) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!) (Since Grace lost she can’t challenge for the Knockouts Title as long as Purrazzo is Champ)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)

Impact World Title No DQ Match
Steve Maclin (c) vs. PCO

Steve Maclin charges PCO out the gate then they spill to the outside where PCO is suplex onto the ring steps. Back inside the ring Maclin whacks PCO with a cookie tray then Maclin dives to the outside and gets hit with the cookie tray. PCO goes to staple him but Maclin low blows him.

Maclin hits a chair shot to the back. Maclin throws a trash can and another chair into the ring. Maclin places the trash can in between the ropes but PCO accidentally knocks it off. Maclin strikes PCO with a chair again and then uses it for an elbow drop & it gets a 2 count.

Maclin hits caught in the crosshairs with a trash can in a different corner. Maclin grabs the staple gun and staples PCO’s mouth shut. PCO gets up anyway and knocks Maclin down. He grabs pliers and rips the staples off his face.

Back in the ring, Maclin places a concrete block on PCO and then smashes it with a sledge hammer. Maclin covers but only for a two count. PCO gets to his feet and punches away. DDT connects. Maclin goes up top and PCO hits a lungblower then PCO hits a leg drop from the 2nd rope for a 2 count.

PCO hits a senton but then gets whip off the top onto the apron. Maclin finds more concrete blocks and throws them in the ring. PCO gets back up and lines the blocks up. Maclin is laid across the blocks as PCO goes up top. Maclin pops up and slams PCO onto the concrete. Maclin hits KIA onto the blocks for the win.

Winner & Still Impact World Champion: Steve Maclin (15:34) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)

After the match Maclin calls out Scott D’Amore after. D’Amore stays true to his word and straps the Impact World Title around Maclin then D’Amore offers his hand but Maclin leaves the ring. Maclin yells to him that he’s his boss & behind D’Amore is Bully Ray. Bully chokes D’Amore with a belt. Bully tells Maclin to get a table. Maclin slides a table in as Bully helps him set it up. Matt Rehwoldt gets in the ring and tries to stop them once Bully pulls out lighter fluid. Bully pours lighter fluid all over Matthews before PCO returns to the ring. Motor City Machine Guns try to make the save but they get clear out too. Bully sprays the table with fluid as Maclin gets D’Amore up then Bully slams D’Amore through the burning table to close out 2023 Under Siege.

Matches Of The Night

Impact World Tag Team Titles Match

Knockouts Title Match

Impact World Title No DQ Match

6 Man Tag Team Match

X Division Title

Trinity vs. Gisele Shaw

Nick Aldis vs. Kenny King