Impact Wrestling Turning Point Review – November 3, 2023

Impact Wrestling Turning Point Review – November 3, 2023

Tag Team Match
Grado & Rhino vs. Mike D & Ryan Richards (Pre Show)

Match comes to a close when Rhino hits Ryan Richards with a Gore to get the win for his team.

Winners: Grado & Rhino (4:26)
Rate: 4

North Wrestling Title Match
Leon Slater (c) vs. Mark Haskins (Pre Show)

Mark Haskins attacks Leon Slater before the bell then Haskins hit a dive through the ropes and paused to pose then in the ring Haskins stomps on the left arm and he grounded Slater then locks in a crossface and cranks back on Slater’s head.

Slater fired back with a handspring back elbow and he fired up the crowd before Haskins hits a clothesline then a neckbreaker over his knee then a flipping sit out powerbomb for a near fall.

They traded kicks with Slater landing a superkick that drops Haskins and they were both down. Haskins nails a Buzzsaw Kick to the head before Slater fired back with a running stunner but Vicky Haskins quickly pulls Mark to the floor to avoid the pin.

Slater nails an flip dive over the corner onto Mark on the floor then back in the ring Slater hits Swanton 450 Splash for the win.

Winner & Still North Wrestling Champion: Leon Slater (10:42) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)
Rate: 7

Tag Team Match
Subculture (Flash Morgan Webster & Mark Andrews) vs. Team Canada (Josh Alexander & Eric Young)

Flash Morgan Webster & Josh Alexander starts this match and Webster hits a senton then Eric Young enters to face Mark Andrews & Webster hits a basement dropkick on Aleaxander’s knee in the corner and Andrews hit a standing moonsault for a near fall.

Young grounds Webster before Alexander hits a back suplex on Webster as Team Canada works him over.

Andrews hit a moonsault from the apron to the floor on Alexander then they got back into the ring and brawled before Andrew hits a Code red on Alexander for a near fall.

Webster hits a Falcon Arrow for a near fall. Alexander fired back with several German suplexes on Andrews then hits a forward Finlay Roll and Young hits a top rope elbow drop then Alexander covers Andrews for a near fall.

Both teams brawled before Team Canada applied simultaneous Sharpshooters in the center of the ring but Subculture reached the ropes before Andrews hits a Stundog Millionaire on Young then one on Alexander then Morgan hit a Swanton Bomb for a near fall on Young.

Young hits a piledriver on Webster then goes for the cover but Andrews made the save. Eric was flipped into Alexander’s groin then Webster hits a Frankensteiner.

Webster accidentally struck Andrews then Alexander hits a backbreaker over his knee on Webster then C4 Spike on Andrews for the pin.

Winners: Team Canada (14:05)
Rate: 7

Gisele Shaw vs. Alex Windsor

Match starts off with some standing switches then Gisele Shaw grounds Alex Windsor early on before Shaw hits a superkick. Windsor fired back with a clothesline and they were both down.

Windsor hits a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall then she hits a knee strike to Windsor’s face then a 2nd one for the win.

Winner: Gisele Shaw (8:40)
Rate: 6

Rich Swann vs. Trey Miguel

Match starts off with a lock up and a bit of a feeling out process before Swann lands a kick to the face that sent Trey Miguel to the floor then Swann set up for a dive but Miguel caught his head and hit a stunner in the ropes then he slams Swann’s back on the ring apron and Swann clutched at his lower back as he recovers on the floor.

Miguel knocks Swann off the ring apron back to the floor then in the ring Swann hits a one legged dropkick before they traded chops and slaps to the face then Miguel nails a poisonrana and a superkick and both men were down.

Miguel hit some Yes Kicks to the chest then a swinging neckbreaker for a near fall before Swann hits a Stunner out of the corner then a 2nd rope 450 Splash for the win.

Winner: Rich Swann (11:48)
Rate: 6

Jordynne Grace vs. Dani Luna

Match starts off with a lock up then shoulder tackles with neither woman going down then Dani Luna hits a suplex for a near fall before they hit a headbutt that drops both women.

They got up and traded forearms and chops. Luna hits a German suplex and a clothesline for a near fall. Jordynne nails Cop Killah for a near fall.

Luna put Grace on her shoulders but Grace hit several elbow strikes to the head to escape before she hits Grace Driver to score the win.

Winner: Jordynne Grace (8:50)
Rate: 6

Joe Hendry vs. Simon Miller

Simon Miller attacks Joe Hendry from behind then he grabs the mic but Hendry clotheslines him then Hendry chases Miller before they finally got into the ring and the bell rang.

Hendry hits some chops and a delayed vertical suplex then Miller hits a side slam for a near fall and he applied a headlock to slow down Hendry.

Hendry powers out and hit a suplex then Miller hits a spear before Hendry hit a series of Yes Kicks then hits Standing Ovation for the win.

Winner: Joe Hendry (6:42)
Rate: 5

Tag Team Match
X Division Champion Chris Sabin & Frankie Kazarian vs. Most Professional Wrestling Gods (Brain Myers & Moose)

Brian Myers & Frankie Kazarian locked up with Kazarian hitting some deep arm drags then Chris Sabin & Moose enters then Kazarian hit a springboard leg drop on Moose for a near fall.

Kazarian & Sabin caused Most Professional Wrestling Gods to land faces on each other’s groins before Most Professional Wrestling Gods began working over Sabin in their corner before Sabin finally hits an enzuigiri on Moose but couldn’t tag out.

Kazarian got the hot tag & hits a Stunner on Myers for a near fall then a leg drop on Moose in the ropes then Kazarian hits a slingshot DDT on Myers for a near fall before Moose hits a 2nd rope twisting crossbody and he kips up.

Sabin hits a Code Red then Moose hits a headbutt then he leapt off the ropes but Kazarian caught him with a Stunner and everyone was down before Kazarian hits a lung blower.

They all fought on the floor then in the ring Kazarian applied a Crossface Chicken Wing but Myers went through the ropes to escape as soon as Kazarian turns around and Moose hits him with a spear for the win.

Winners: Most Professional Wrestling Gods (15:54)
Rate: 7

Knockouts Title Match
Trinity (c) vs. Deonna Purrazzo

Match starts off with a lock up and mat reversals before Deonna Purrazzo rolls to the floor to regroup then back in the ring Trinity ties up the left arm then Purrazzo snaps Trinity’s left arm backward and she began working it over tying it up in the ropes.

Deonna crashed shoulder first into the ring post before Trinity hits a bulldog and a short arm clothesline and a mid ring butt bump for a near fall. Purrazzo fired back with a Mafia Kick for a near fall and they were both down.

Trinity hits a Samoan Drop for a near fall before Purrazzo applied a Fujiwara Armbar but Trinity reached the ropes then Purrazzo nails Queens Gambit for a near fall and she argued with Gail Kim.

Trinity locks in Starstruck before she hits Bubba Bomb then re applied Starstruck & Purrazzo taps out.

Winner By Submission & Still Knockouts Champion: Trinity (16:15) (STILL CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 7

After the match Purrazzo attacks Trinity then gave Gail Kim a 2 handed shove then a 2nd one so Kim shoved her back. Purrazzo slaps Kim so Gail hits Eat Defeat on Purrazzo.

Will Ospreay vs. Eddie Edwards

Will Ospreay hits a running hurricanrana before Eddie Edwards hits some chops then Ospreay hits a running knee then Edwards hit an overhead release belly 2 belly suplex.

He dropped Ospreay with a knee to the gut and slows him down on the mat before Ospreay nails a handspring back enzuigiri then Ospreay nails a springboard flying forearm for a near fall then a Mafia Kick sending Edwards to the floor. Ospreay hits a plancha to the floor.

Ospreay hits a top rope flying forearm to the back of the neck and he set up for Hidden Blade but Edwards again rolls to the floor then Ospreay went to the floor but Edwards immediately rams him back first onto the edge of the ring.

In the ring Edwards hits a Backpack Stunner then hits some chops before Ospreay fires back with an enzuigiri then a Stundog Millionaire and they were both down. Ospreay traps Edwards’ head in the corner and kicks him in the face.

Ospreay hits a mid ring Spanish Fly, then an OsCutter for a near fall then sets up for Storm Breaker but Edwards escapes & nails a Blue Thunder Bomb then Ospreay hits Hidden Blade but Edwards pops to his feet and hits Boston Knee Party and they were both down.

They were on all 4s and traded headbutts then they traded forearm strikes as they got to their feet. Edwards unloaded some chops then Ospreay hits some Kawada Kicks but he again couldn’t hit Storm Breaker.

Edwards nails Tiger Driver for a near fall then Edwards hits a knee strike to the collarbone.

Ospreay leapt to his feet and hits Hidden Blade then hits Styles Clash for a near fall then Hidden Blade to the back of the neck then Storm Breaker for the win.

Winner: Will Ospreay (18:26)
Rate: 7