Impact Wrestling Review – September 7, 2023

Impact Wrestling Review – September 7, 2023

Deonna Purrazzo vs. Dani Luna

Dani Luna dominated early on with a collar and elbow before Deonna Purrazzo came back with a rollup and armbar attempt. Luna got to the ropes for the break then Luna came back with a body slam, axe handle strike and fallaway slam.

After a basement lariat Luna got a basement lariat Luna hits 2 chained suplexes then Purrazzo drags Luna to the apron and slams her arm into the apron. Purrazzo hits Luna with a lungblower for a two count.

Luna rallied back with right hands and a front dropkick. Luna hits Purrazzo with a powerbomb for a two count. Purrazzo got a two count off a t bone suplex before both women traded strikes. Purrazzo hits Luna with a side Russian leg sweep right into a Fujiwara Armbar for the win.

Winner By Submission: Deonna Purrazzo

A Crazzy Steve promo aired. The visuals also focused on his new deformed mask. Steve said that the saying you get what you deserve has thrived through the ages because it’s the painful truth for most. Steve said there are people that think they deserve more because the rules and regulations that everyone else lives by simply do not apply to them. Steve said he’s not like everyone else.

He said he’s not Crazy & he said he’s 100% aware of each and every single one of his actions. Steve said when he looked in Black Taurus’s eyes, he saw an ember of what was once a raging inferno. Steve said right then and there he knew that Taurus was going to do what everyone else did to Steve. Namely Abyss, Rosemary & Havok.

Steve said they all left him abandoned, alone and forgotten. He said at Victory Road he’s severing their friendship, decapitating Decay and decimate the unholy alliance that was once Steve & Taurus.

Backstage Tommy Dreamer cuts a promo. Dreamer hyped up Impact’s 1000th episode and noted that The Simpsons only has 750 episodes by comparison. Dreamer then hyped up his match against Kenny King. Dreamer talked about how his dad took him to meet his first love in 1980, a pro wrestling show. Dreamer talked about his father and mother supporting him for his entire career. He said his parents were sitting in the front row at his first WWF tryout and even though he didn’t make it to WWF, he made his parents proud.

Dreamer said his parents were also there when he main evented an ECW show in the same building. Dreamer said he main evented WWE ECW in the same building with his children in the front row. Dreamer said 7 blocks away from that building he said goodbye to his mom at the hospital. He said his final words to his mom were I love you and his mom responded I love you and I’m proud of you. Dreamer was crying at this point. Dreamer said he was blessed to have his mom in his life. Heath interrupted, saying he was passing by.

Heath said he loves Tommy. Heath wondered why Dreamer was putting his career on the line just because Kenny King was talking junk? Heath said the locker room has faith in him but Heath thinks Dreamer needs to step back and assess this because it doesn’t seem like the right path. Tommy said it’s either going to be the end or another chapter for Tommy Dreamer. Dreamer walks away

Tag Team Match
Joe Hendry & Yuya Uemura vs. Champagne Singh & Shera

Champagne Singh gave Yuya Uemura a knee and a few right hands before Uemura flips out of the corner as he gave Singh a few arm drags and a body slam. Hendry gave Singh a knee for a two count. Umeura tags in after Hendry gave Singh a spinning body slam.

Uemura got a two count before Singh gave Uemura a flapjack on the top rope then Shera tags in and hits Uemura with a draping big boot.

Shera gave Uemura a body slam and elbow drop. Singh tags in and hits Uemura with a Paydirt for a near fall. Uemura got a window of opportunity with a flying lariat. Hendry rallied with lariats and kicks against Singh & Shera.

Hendry hit Singh with a suplex and did a kip up. Hendry gave Shera a delayed vertical suplex. Hendry led the crowd in a We Will Rock You clap before Singh gave Hendry a big boot.

Uemura gave Shera a dropkick to send him to ringside before Uemura hits Singh with a enzuigiri before they hit One Hit Wonder to get the win.

Winners: Joe Hendry & Yuya Uemura

Steve Maclin was cutting a promo backstage with Bully Ray right behind him. Maclin hyped up his and Bully’s next two matches which are against PCO & Josh Alexander. Maclin assured Bully that the plain is laid out. Bully didn’t think so. Bully started paced around and said that he doesn’t think Maclin gets it. Maclin said they have everything they want in their 2 opponents. Bully said he doesn’t want PCO. He wants Carl Ouellet.

Bully noted that they’ve had no success with PCO. Bully said they put PCO through cinder blocks, tables, fire & battery acid. Bully said Maclin has things easy with Alexander because Bully has to face a monster that nobody can take down. Bully reiterated that PCO came back after being lit on fire. Bully asked Maclin to be a good soldier. Maclin & Bully bickered a bit more over whether or not they are on the same page.

After the break we get highlights from an old Gail Kim vs. Awesome Kong match aired. As per old TNA tradition, the replay cut in right in the middle of a ref bump Rudy Charles ran out to count a few near falls. Gail Kim ended up winning after saving Rudy from a potential ref bump.

A hype package aired for Will Ospreay. He will be at Bound for Glory as well as Impact’s UK tour.

Backstage Gia Miller interviewed Josh Alexander about teaming up with PCO against Bully Ray & Steve Maclin. Alexander said Maclin made a statement by returning at Emergence. He said he’s seeing red when he sees Steve because he and Steve have unfinished business. Alexander said he’s also familiar with Bully Ray. Alexander said he & PCO will make a statement to bring violence and Mayhem to Bully & Maclin.

Tag Team Match
Subculture (Mark Andrews & Flash Morgan Webster) vs. Rich Swann & Sami Callihan

Mark Andrews & Rich Swann traded wristlocks early on then both men traded stereo counters to end up at a stalemate then Flash Morgan Webster tags in which allowed Subculture to swarm Swann with kicks. Swann hits Webster with a dropkick and tags in Sami Callihan.

Callihan & Swann hits Webster with a sidewalk slam leg drop combo. Callihan rakes Webster in the eyes. Swann tags in & Subculture dropkicks Callihan to ringside. Webster hits Swann & Callihan with a top rope cannonball to ringside as we go to a break.

After the break Subculture hit Swann with 3 standing flips for a near fall. Andrews hits Swann with a dropkick. Subculture cut the ring in half on Swann. Andrews accidentally hurt his hand on the ring post and Swann gave Webster a enzuigiri.

Callihan caught tag. Webster hits Callihan with an assisted Falcon Arrow. Callihan dumps Webster to ringside. Andrews reversed a Suplex into Stundog Millionaire before Callihan avoided Webster’s 450 attempt.

Callihan & Webster took each other out with lariats. Swann & Andrews tags in. Swann caught Andrews with a superkick. Webster caught Swann with a fake out punch. Callihan wasn’t faked out and hits Webster with a piledriver. Callihan staggered Andrews with a right hand.

Swann went to the ramp and dove over the top rope to nail Andrews with a cutter then Callihan held up Andrews for Swann’s kick. Callihan hits Andrews with a Death Valley Driver before Swann hit Andrews with a 450 Splash for the win.

Winners: Rich Swann & Sami Callihan

A replay aired of Gisele Shaw & Savannah Evans eliminating Knockouts Tag Team Champions Killer Kelly & Masha Slammovich last week from the Battle Royal.

The show cut to Shaw, Evans & Jai Vidal backstage for a promo. Shaw hyped up her & Evans going after the Knockouts Tag Team Titles at Victory Road.

Impact World Tag Team Champions The Rascalz were backstage, cutting a promo about themselves being strong champions then The Good Hands showed up. John Skyler asked for a Impact World Tag Team Title shot. Wentz said that they are focused on Motor City Machine Guns. Hotch said maybe they can get a shot after Victory Road. Wentz said it would be to everyone in the room’s best interest that The Rascalz remain Impact World Tag Team Champions after Victory Road. The Good Hands nodded and walks away.

Non Title Match
X Division Champion Lio Rush vs. Kevin Knight

Match starts off with Lio Rush stalling by laying down on the top rope then Kevin Knight managed to dump Rush to ringside with a dropkick. Rush grabs the X Division Title and tried to leave the match. Knight drags Rush head first into the ring. Knight got a two count off a standing splash. Knight caught Rush with a sliding lariat for a two count.

Rush calls for a time out at ringside. Knight kept the pursuit and gave Rush right hands but Rush turns the tables in the corner and gave Knight knife edge chops. Knight came back with strikes. Rush clawed at Knight’s eyes and dumps him to ringside with handstand boots. Rush hit Knight with 2 darting suicide dives as we go to a break.

After the break Rush dominated Knight before Knight escapes a long rear naked choke and hits Rush with a leaping Frankensteiner in the corner. Knight rallied with clotheslines. Knight hit Rush with a crossbody for a near fall.

Rush countered a DDT with a CQC combo then Knight got Rush to his knees with a dropkick. Rush avoids a springboard crossbody then Rush hits Knight with a spin kick follow by Final Hour for the win.

Winner: X Division Champion Lio Rush

Rush gave Knight ground & pound then puts Knight in Hoverboard Lock. Kushida ran out for the save. Rush quickly rolls to ringside when Kushida went for the Hoverboard Lock.

We go to a Dirty Dango & Alpha Bravo docu style interview. The 1st question was are you excited for Impact 1000?. Dango & Bravo were on a boat. Dango said whatever lake they were at smells like shit. Dango asked the cameraperson Impact has a 1000 f*cking episodes?. He said he hopes he’s not around for Impact’s 2000th episode. Dango said when he thinks of Impact-TNA, he thinks of Abyss, Elix Skipper, Jerry Lynn & Disco Inferno.

Dango said he thinks that James Storm is a stuntman now. Dango told the camera We’re doing it Dixie!. Dango asked Bravo if Dixie Carter was single? The next question was How do you feel about facing Jake Something as a part of the Impact 1000 celebration?. Dango mocked on of Something’s recent promos where Something said he likes pro wrestling with a deep voice. Dango mocked people who say this is my dream promos.

Dango said promos matter to him and that’s why he’s with Bravo because Bravo has the gift of gab. Dango asked Bravo where his shirt sleeves went? Bravo said f*ck sleeves. Dango said Something is the epitome of what he and Bravo are teaching, the epitome of the Gratitude Era. Dango said he loves professional baseball but that doesn’t mean the Red Sox are going to start Dirty Dango against the Houston Astros next week. Dango gave himself props for cutting a good promo.

Jordynne Grace was shown walking at a garage. Grace rips up a Deonna Purrazzo photo that had the numbers 0-4 on it.

Santino Marella was moderating an in ring contract signing. He introduced Alisha Edwards first & she came out with Eddie Edwards. The Edwards were drinking a bottle of Rose wine while walking to the ring. Marella then introduced Knockouts Champion Trinity & she made her entrance said that Delisha Edwards will sign first. Alisha said that Marella has a stupid accent. Alisha said that Marella is Canadian and she can’t understand any of the stupid Canadian accents in Toronto.

Alisha said they need to understand her, as well as Trinity & Alisha talked about being in Impact a long time and everyone thought that she was just a champion’s wife. Alisha said she once thought she had to change Eddie but she had to change herself. She said she beat 9 other knockouts in the Battle Royal to become #1 Contender. Eddie was being a cheerleader for his wife. Alisha signed the contract.

Trinity then signed the contract. Alisha felt disrespected that Trinity didn’t have the decency to respond. Trinity said she just couldn’t understand Alisha’s stupid accent. Trinity said she actually respects Alisha. She said she was looking forward to face great opponents in Impact she she showed up and may have overlooked Alisha. Trinity said Alisha has caught her attention now.

Alisha talked about how Trinity has been handed everything since she came to Impact. Trinity said she could have gone to any company and she picked Impact. Trinity said she knew it wouldn’t be easy because Impact has the fiercest competition. Eddie tried to talk over and cut off Trinity. Eddie told Trinity to not dare wave the Impact banner because he and Alisha have been in Impact longer than ever.

Alisha said she’s happy to have her husband have her back. Alisha wondered where Trinity’s man was? Alisha said that can’t even be here even if he wanted to have Trinity’s back. Trinity pointed out how Eddie Edwards turned his back on the company via Honor No More so he has no right waving the company banner in front of her. Trinity told Mr. Alisha to pipe down and fall back. Alisha threw wine in Trinity’s face. Trinity responded with a high kick.

Trinity & Alisha brawled a bit then Trinity went for a powerbomb but Eddie ran in and saved his wife. Eddie then gave Trinity a Blue Thunder Bomb through the contract signing table then Frankie Kazarian ran out to chase away The Edwards.

A replay aired of Eddie giving Trinity a Blue Thunder Bomb through the table. Tom Hannifan & Matthew Rehwoldt checked in on commentary. Rehwoldt said that Eddie went over the line then they ran through the Victory Road lineup.

Motor City Machine Guns were backstage for a promo & Chris Sabin hyped up going after the Impact World Tag Team Titles at Victory Road. Sabin talked about how disrespectful The Rascalz are. Impact World Champion Alex Shelley said he & Sabin are the franchise tag team in Impact. Shelley said The Rascalz only hold the Impact World Tag Team Titles because Motor City Machine Guns let them. He said they are taking back the Impact World Tag Team  Titles at Victory Road.

Tag Team Match
Steve Maclin & Bully Ray vs. Josh Alexander & PCO

Bully Ray tags in to face Josh Alexander but he tags out when PCO tags in & PCO blocks a hip toss and hits Steve Maclin with a clothesline. PCO dominated heading into a break.

After the break Alexander hits Maclin with a series of arm drags. Alexander hits Maclin with a few chops in the corner. PCO tags in and scared Bully off the apron. Maclin hits PCO with a knee to the gut.

PCO came back with a forearm smash. Maclin hits Alexander with a forearm smash when Alexander tags in. Bully tags in and ate a missile dropkick from Alexander then he hits Bully with 10 punches in the corner.

Alexander put Bully on the apron when Bully went for his Bionic Elbow. Alexander took himself out over the top rope when Maclin pulls the rope down. Bully & Maclin cuts the ring in half on Alexander.

Alexander got a window of opportunity after hitting Bully with a German suplex. PCO & Maclin tag in. PCO planted Maclin with a DDT then Maclin drops Alexander from the apron. PCO caught Maclin with a Lungblower and leg drop in the corner.

PCO hits Maclin with a cannonball tope. Bully tried to calm down PCO and asked for a handshake. The referee flinched when PCO missed a punch on Bully & his allowed Bully to low blow PCO then rolls him up for the win.

Winners: Steve Maclin & Bully Ray